What This Site Can Do For You

Have you ever wished to you were happier, wealthier, or more successful?

Have you ever felt lost, unhappy with your career, and disillusioned with your life?

Well, I’m here to help.

Sometimes, the right information is worth millions of dollars over your lifetime, and this website provides a lot of that information for free.

You’re probably wondering who am I.

My name is Will, and I used to feel lost, unhappy, and unsuccessful in college. I believed your IQ, skills, style, ability with women, and everything were fixed from birth. But then, I discovered something that changed my life forever and will change yours.

I realized that you can improve every area of your life. Life is like a video game. Every area of your life is a skill that you can level up and improve. After studying thousands of successful people, I improved my own results in many areas of my life (more on that to come).

And that’s where this website comes in. There’s an overwhelming amount of videos, articles, books, and podcasts out there. As someone who absorbs more of that in a day than 99% of people, I’m be your curator to bring you the right information that will impact your life the most.

The original mission of this website is to:

I help hard-working Asian American Millennial Men perform better, and live a happier, healthier, more successful life.

Check out my brand’s values here.

As the site has grown, there came many followers who aren’t Asians (or men, millennials, or American) who follow my content because it’s useful to them. So, I’m starting to help more people. I’ve always wanted to help everyone, but many experts told me to niche down if I wanted to grow.

Now, I’m not someone who has “reached the mountaintop.” I’m just an average guy who had high hopes and dreams and a believe that I didn’t have to be average. I still have a long way to go and a lot of years ahead of me. I’ve consumed a lot of advice over the years and experimented with it. Some of it was a failure and some if it was successful. For example, I’ve dramatically increased my strength at the gym and went from years of inconsistent exercise routines to a consistent 4 to 5-day routine that I’ve kept for 5+ years now. I went from unhappy and so hopeless that I thought I’d never find a job I’d tolerate or enough income to live off to a job I enjoy and living on my own.

I’m an experimentor, researcher, and curator of  what I learned, like you. I share what I learn through my focus on credible experts and scientific sources.

One of my readers was on the phone with me and he said it best.

“I listen to you because you’re not another expert who has made it already or has something to sell. I listen to you because you’re just another average person.” 

They like the fact that I will completely tear down and expose what I don’t like about an expert or product.

As far as this website’s values, I care about doing the right thing and constantly learning from credible people. I believe in being honest in everything you do (not lying or cheating in business, dating, or life). And I study only from people who are successful in the craft I’m interested in, use a logical, proven system that has helped many, or use rigorous scientific studies. This filter helps me sift through 95% of B.S. self help advice.

We live in a world of information overload. In this era, knowledge is not the problem. In fact, there’s too much of it. And plenty of bad advice from people who will give you directions. That’s why there is all the more reason to be pickier with what you listen to.

A huge focus of my philosophy is on timeless strategies rather than trends and tactics. Well, what’s the difference?

Timeless principles are principles that will always be true and valuable since most people don’t know about them (due to laziness or misinformation). Examples include:

  • Knowing that customers will always want lower prices.
  • Wearing a flawless suit that will be in style now and 30 years from now.
  • Knowing that hiring an accountant you can trust all of the time rather than just some of the time.
  • Understanding human biology and knowing that the reasons people buy and what makes them happy won’t change much in the next 500 years.
  • Using differentiation, negotiation, and competition principles from billionaire barons like John Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, and Henry Ford that will always work (most of which no one bothers to study these days).

Tactics include:

  • Jumping on a social media tactic that will stop working in 3 months.
  • Buying a pair of shoes or a style of clothing that will be out of trend in 2 years (Yes, your children and peers will laugh at your pictures).

If you want to react faster, feel sharper, HAVE MORE ENERGY, get more done, have more free time, and achieve your goals, this is the place.

If you want TIMELESS ADVICE from the best businessmen of all time….

If you understand the value of the right book and know how it can DRASTICALLY increase your earnings or your outputs in life….

If you want to learn about books that you have never heard of that can RAPIDLY IMPROVE YOUR PROFITS AND LIFE…

If you want hard science, evidence, decades of experiences, and proof from credible sources, this is the place.

Join my email newsletter and get my top tips on success and productivity.

My Story

I’m Will. I was average to below average in most areas of life even though I tried hard. I had poor social skills, wasn’t athletic, wasn’t the best student, and I was shy.

One day, I stumbled across videos of Warren Buffett and other millionaires giving advice. These videos changed my life because they offered a new opportunity. 

Until that moment, I believed that your success in life was set in stone based on your genetics, which is something you couldn’t change. I thought no amount of effort could change that substantially. But I realized from that moment on that there are steps you can take to improve your situation, your value, and your results in life.

I realized that you can get better and get rewarded for it if you listen to the right advice, take action, work hard, and stay patient.

All of a sudden, I was living life on fire. I looked back at the time before I discovered this and I realized I was walking through life like a zombie like everyone else. But now, I was living with passion.

Even before I believed I could change, I always had hope hidden deep down that there was a way out — some magic way I would figure out one day to be someone great, not just another ordinary person with a mediocre life.

I wanted to BE SOMEONE. I wanted to make an impact on the world. I wanted to be extraordinary. I wanted to stand out! I wanted to master Personal Finance and master money so that I would never be someone who let money fall through their hands and was always in debt. I wanted to know what to do with extra money I got so I could invest and grow it properly. I wanted to not just be financially independent but Financially Prosperous so I could have the freedom to do things in life and not be worried about paying the bills or an unexpected health emergency or accident.

I soon discovered that many successful people loved what they did. They were truly PASSIONATE about their jobs. I was going along a path to medical school where I knew I wouldn’t have enjoyed and I knew it would have taken me at least 10 years to complete it. I wanted to have a job I LOVED doing. As Warren Buffett says, I wanted to be able to tap dance to work and wake up excited everyday. The more and more I researched and found out about successful people, the more people I  found who had achieved this and it gave me hope. At the same time, I found a lot of peers who were and still are trapped in this same path. It’s not necessary to have a job you absolutely love to be happy but we’ll get to that in another article.

Join me on my journey as I share what I learn as I try to improve my life through personal development. This involves learning why certain billionaires succeeded, why great businesses did not fail, how to earn more money, be more confident, make more friends, and improve my social skills.

Will Chou professional

I share my incredible findings as I help them because they can help you succeed too. I made this site to build a community of successful people who value self-development.

There’s a timeless business knowledge in books, lectures, interviews, and free videos from the wealthiest people on earth. The knowledge is truly timeless and yet no one bothers to read it.

There are incredible business lessons that were learned years ago by people worth billions of dollars that can be applied today, yet people would rather learn about business from a guy who made his first million and is still truly figuring things out.

When you go through thousands of these things, you tend to pick up on patterns. You find habits, behaviors, and mindsets that the average person doesn’t do. I’m here to share the best of that with you.

After finding a lot of people with society’s standards of success who were still unhappy or unfulfilled, I have made it my mission to help others understand that success can mean more than money. It can mean someone who has a fulfilled life, is happy, has a strong family and social life, is healthy, has good mindsets and routines, and gives more than he gets.

This is my blog where I share the best lessons I’ve learned.

As Seen On…

Here are some of the publications I’ve been on:

Will Chou Inc Magazine

Addicted 2 Success Joel Brown Will Chou

The Good Men Project Will Chou

Foundr Magazine Will chou

Elite Daily Will Chou

Goals.com Will Chou

Bony to Beastly Will Chou

The best way to stay connected and learn more is to click the button right below to become an email insider:

Join my email newsletter and get my top tips on success and productivity.


  1. Thanks Will for Dream Life Lab. What a sigh of relief I did not DELETE your email as I do so with many others emails not of value. Your platform for learning and helping people grow and develop is a treasure trove of value. Since value is a good part of who I am, I was drawn by your content. Thanks,

  2. Hey Will!

    Thanks for the curation. While we live in an amazing information era, it can be overwhelming to sift through and find the good bits.

    Looking forward to checking back in on what you’ve found.
    Keep up the good work :)

  3. Very disappointed to read that you help ” Hard-working Asian American Millennial Men live their dream life”. You don’t care about helping women or other groups besides Asians? If that isn’t what you mean, then why did you say it? Why not help everyone who is interested to learn from you?

    1. I wanted to help everyone and did at the start so wrote some generic articles for everyone, but I wasn’t experiencing much growth or success. Many successful blogs and businesses recommended niching down directly to me. Think of some top fitness bloggers: NerdFitness.com or Bret Contreras the Glute Guy or Bony to Beastly … They’re successful because it wasn’t “fitness for all shapes and sizes”

  4. Blog seems really inspirational… Are you financially prosperous or making six figures? If so, how are you working towards it?

    1. I am not yet but I will be one day. I am working on developing my knowledge and skills in personal development, writing, digital marketing and business to grow an audience to do so. Would you be interested in me documenting my results?

      1. Yes! I used to follow NevBlog but he tends to focus on teaching people his work skillset and less about principals lately — he’s still super awesome though.

  5. i came to know about your site via Quora and thanks a ton for serving what i want actually. i found this information really helpful as i am working with Big japanese company in india in a sales department.

    i was making my yearly plan ,week wise , hour wise and party wise to meet them and convienced them for my products.all your tips helpful to me,.

  6. I did not get much benefit from it at all. Perhaps I just got bad people with lots of dead followers but I think that’s generally the case

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