Asian American Millennial men often focus on their weaknesses in dating. This leads to more confirmation bias and frustration with their lack of results. In this article, I’m going to provide some inspiration for how you should tackle this problem — or any problem in life. Let’s look at the positive and some strengths.
After I studied thousands of successful people, I discovered that many turn their obstacles into opportunities and strengths. Let’s flip this dilemma on its head with the top benefits of dating an Asian man. Here are 14 reasons why Asians are attractive.
(Keep in mind these are generalizations. Of course, with millions of people, there are some that don’t follow these.)
1. They’re hard working.
Most people prefer dating someone successful and ambitious over someone who is broke and lazy. Asian men outwork most people because of the work ethic their immigrant parents instilled. They’re willing to put in the time and effort for a greater life.
Ever wonder why so many get straight A’s? They’re not better at math or becoming doctors because of genetic talent. They outwork others after school every day through studying. Their parents have taught them that work ethic from an early age.
2. They make empathetic, polite husbands and fathers.
Ladies, are you tired of aggressive men grabbing you and asserting their opinions and desires without considering your interests or etiquette? Are you sick of men who only want to hook up? Many women are sick of being psychologically and physically harassed or disrespected by men.
It’s time to stop focusing too much on how Asian men are too shy and more on how they’re more respectful. Asian men, generally speaking, are kind and respectful to the rights of a woman. They are brought up to be respectful to elders and everyone they meet. (Obviously, there’s exceptions to the rule.)
While some may say they’re less likely to assert themselves with confidence and come up to a woman, they make up for it by being less likely to disrespect, objectify, and use women who aren’t looking for short-term relationships
You may not find many Asians aggressively grabbing women at a night club, but you’ll find that they make incredible fathers who care about the safety, education, and growth of your children.
3. They’re smart.
Frankly, women don’t want dumb men. They don’t want men who aren’t clever because it makes for a bad personality and low potential for success in life. Asians are often stereotyped as people who do very well in American schools, often going to Ivy Leagues.
If you’re lucky, you may find an Asian who is also socially intelligent. There are Asians out there who can tell you about how the Pythagorean theorem, the history of agriculture, and keep a conversation while making you laugh. That said, social intelligence is an area many of us need to work on.
4. They are great with their money and finances.
Would you rather have a man who is a mess with his money, constantly in debt, and only good at spending more money than he has to make it appear like he’s rich? In general, Asians are precise and careful with how they save and invest their money.
They’re brought up to avoid crimes, drugs, and make a good living. That also means they’re into learning about personal finance, never missing a tax return, and investing in retirement. Through compound interest, they will have potentially hundreds of thousands or millions in their bank by retirement because of their knowledge of Roth IRA’s and index funds.
Budgeting, while simple, is key to a rich life.
5. They have caring, loving family culture.
Enough said. A kind, loving family with get-together’s at delicious Chinese restaurants. A double-whammy of awesome!
6. You don’t have to worry about disgusting hair.
Asians barely have any hair on them! No more worrying about hair clogging shower drains or overgrown hair over your man’s body.
No, I’m not saying that Asians are a supreme species (let’s not go to far with Asian pride). I’m just saying that you don’t have to worry about bad grooming.
7. They age well.

They’ll look young and sexy into their 50’s and 60’s. That’s right. Who doesn’t love less wrinkles? I still get misidentified as a young high schooler every week even though I’m way older than that.
8. They rarely do drugs, break the law, or let destructive behavior ruin their careers.
Are you sick of men who aren’t loyal, drink too much, and get nowhere in life? With an Asian upbringing, he’ll likely end up straight-edge. He’ll impart that in your future kids so that they’re less likely to go off the rails or into massive debt from drug addiction or a child pregnancy. I mean when’s the last time you heard of an Asian man robbing a bank or dealing drugs? There’s a reason they never depict an Asian man doing these things in movies or TV — it rarely happens!
9. They’re loyal and won’t avoid commitment.
Are you sick of men who leave you after a one-night stand or avoid commitment like the plague? Many Asian men care about getting into a real relationship. Sure, there are some that are still in a point in their life when they want to hook-up. But eventually, almost every Asian American man wants to have a family. You just have to look at the news or your own social circle to realize how few stories there are of Asian men cheating on their partners.
10. They’re patient and long-term thinkers.
Successful people think long-term. They make short-term sacrifices for greater gain. Many Asians have been instilled with this discipline from an early age. Many of them sacrifice free time to practice piano or violin or study. The pay off is wealth later in life.
11. You get someone who is great at so many activities.
Asians seem to be awesome at so many different activities: music, art, dance, martial arts, school, making money, running a tech business, and so on. Some people even complain that it’s always the Asians doing incredible genius-level things.
Many Asians don’t have muscles or athleticism since their parents had them focus on school. But are you forgetting that Asians are almost synonymous with martial arts? Most Asian Americans don’t study martial arts or do anything athletic, but there are plenty who still do. Drop by a sports league, a gym, or a martials arts studio, and you’ll find them.
12. Some of the negative stereotypes may not be true for your Asian.
Stereotypes are generalizations, which means there are a minority who don’t fit them. If you’re lucky, you can get an Asian who breaks the remaining negative stereotypes. You can find one who is muscular and assertive rather than passive and skinny.
You may assume all Asians are non-assertive, but think again. Keep in mind that they were raised by the most vocal, cut-throat people in the world, opinionated, traditional Asian mothers.
13. Your babies will be the cutest.
If you’re not Asian, then, consider this: Asian interracial children are often the most good-looking out there. Few dispute this fact. There’s just something about that exotic mix that does wonders. If both of you are Asian, then you’ll have cute Asian babies.
14. They’re kind and friendly.
Many Asians are nice guys, once again due to their cultural upbringing. No one truly enjoys being around or dating an asshole. Women only put up with people who are terrible to them for their other redeeming traits, which often include masculinity, athleticism, assertiveness, status, and charisma.
Well, with Asians, you don’t have to worry about being around a horrible douche. We’re usually warm and friendly to everyone, including strangers.
As you can see, why I would love Asian men. In fact, I’m amazed at how many amazing qualities we have. I’ve never been stopped or suspected of stealing or committing a crime, probably because my race is held to such a high esteem.
Data shows that Asians don’t do the best in the American dating market, and I hope we can change that by championing our strengths rather than glossing over them and shoring up our weaknesses to become the change we want to see in the world.
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place-Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror
Asians! You can improve your weaknesses by:
- working on your assertiveness
- being kind for the sake of being kind rather than having hidden expectations you’ll get something in return (which isn’t true kindness)
- building a more muscular physique
- practicing and improving your social and emotional intelligence
- improving your fashion
- becoming more positive, happy, and mentally healthy and less of a downer and complainer
- working on understanding and displaying your masculinity
- demonstrating all your attractive traits to women rather than hiding or downplaying them
- most importantly, building self-esteem about yourself and not depending on external sources of happiness and self-love
Hopefully, more women of all races can see these advantages. What’s your favorite strength of an Asian?
Your article is so funny, but so spot on! I am Asian (Chinese) and my husband is half Korean and half caucasian. I do agree with all that you say about Asian men. Our country’s history of racism has made the view that Asian women become fetish objects and Asian men become desexualized but it is just a misinterpretation based on white sterotypes. I agree that Asian males are polite, smart, age very well, and make good choices in life.
Agreed! The influx of immigrants who came over and had their children focus on academics above all else created a negative stereotype of what Asian men are. Yet in the East, there’s probably plenty of very attractive Asian men
I would like to marry an Asian gentleman. Any advice on how to attract one?
Develop the traits that are universally attractive: willpower, have your life together, kindness, empathy, humor, intelligence, physical fitness (waist-to-hip), etc. Then, use your social skills to meet the men you want in the places they frequent
What an informative article. There is a lot to like about Asian men. Watching Korean and Chinese dramas gives a whole new perspective…Crash Landing on You is possibly the most romantic funny ensemble movie ever filmed…
I’ll have to check it out. I’ve heard many things about that drama. So glad it helped!
Your article and Asian streaming videos have given me hope for a better world.
What a great article! I am white/hispanic and currently chatting with an Asian online, and we are going out on a date on Saturday. He has been attentive, funny and very polite so far!
I will update :) :)
Keep us updated! Thanks
Thank you for your insight and advice. I think you are absolutely correct in your analysis. I am a white woman and have been with my vietnamese man for a year. He is so polite and respectful. He asked my mom fog permission to date me. Not something that happens with other ethnicities. We ajust got engaged over the weekend.
Awesome, Kelley! Not every Asian man is the same given there’s billions of them with their idiosyncracies but I’m glad you found my generalizations useful
Hey!! I love this Article, very true I’m a White Woman that’s dating a Asian/Korean and I found him and he’s had a crush on me ever since 7th grade and I’m in 11th grade so he’s had a Crush on me for so long, the commitment 😍. He finally gave the courage to ask me out and he’s been the best and we had so much fun and promised to God that we would stay together and he always asks for permission and is the Love of my life and he treated me Mother with the greatest Respect and we made blood promise and he takes away my anxiety. I Love You A❤ from C❤ 💍
I’m African American woman and I just love my Blasian (Asian) man and he is pretty much dead on what this article specified. He’s just the sweetest. I’m so fortunate!
First thing I read was the lady in her 40’s who had trouble finding an Asian gentleman. I guess I’m hopeless then because I’m 70. Have been checking out websites, and have seen enough ugly to make me wanna buy an island! I’m not a total dog, although my body has been “lived in”. Ex-road musician Rock/jazz/R’n’B player and singer. Also do art. Just got a new job. Went looking for an Asian man dating website and have found nada. Found ONE Asian man on a website, was intrigued, but I don’t want to pay a million bucks to “join”. Is there any hope for an old broad with a sense of humor? But thanks for the column. Used to date a Thai man and loved it, but many, many years ago. I left because at that time, I knew HE was too good for me, and I was afraid I would ruin him! But remember him fondly.
Thanks for sharing. Glad you found value. Hoping this post was informative and useful to some degree. I enjoyed writing it if nothing else. Yes, we all struggle with dating … supply – demand , why is it always against us?
Your post made me smile
So glad!
Personally for all the reasons you listed I would love to find an Asian guy. I just can’t seem to find one in my area who doesn’t care that I’m a single mom and 40.
Dating life is tough! Lots of factor like geography play into it
I love Asians. So cute and funny and adaptable. I cant say all the nice things about them here and now but… one word, nice.. they are nice people. And I am black.
Thankx Will
i totally agree, asian men are great.
Thanks for reading!
Good article Will. Submissive bisexual white male trying to “friend” a cute younger Asian male professional for ‘fun’. I’m not out to change his life. How do u get an Asian to like you back, show affection. I’m not on social media – I do it the old way, face to face. I say I like you. He says Thank you. ?? Tough nut to crack, so to speak.
Seems like you’re looking for a dating coach. I think there’s a lot of them out there on youtube that can probably help you better and are more credible than I. It seems like advice depends on more context.
can we go out ;)
I couldn’t agree more. I met my ultimate partner 20 years ago when I was in the U.S, and he was in Thailand. We met online and chatted for many months. He finally came to visit for a few weeks (twice), He came back for good later in the year. We vacationed in Las Vegas with friends. We’ve been together 19 years now, he has his master’s degree and citizenship (a very proud moment) and we were married six years ago.
There is an age difference which has never been a problem. I have met his family, nieces and nephews on a number of occasions and they have visited us in U.S.
I was checking off your list of 15 reasons and was checking off yes, yes, yes right to the end. You hit the nail on the head and so did I.
Thanks for sharing! Yea, I wasn’t sure how accurate I was — hoping I was fairly accurate. Glad you found it valuable – so good to see a positive comment online rather than negative
Lucky you wish I had that
I love this! Thank you for your time and effort in putting this together 😊 I couldn’t stop laughing and giggling as i was reading through the list because… I found someone who I can not stop thinking about … yep still blushing here.
Not sure what to do next.
Looks like you found a candidate! Thanks
Nice list :)
how do u get a Asian to like you back lol but like fr
I made a youtube video on this. search it up
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you want one? 😄
Why do you ask?
i want one lol
I loved this-I do not see a ring are you spoken for?
Thanks! Appreciate it. I’m not engaged or married