Why A Small Percent Of People Who Take Dating Programs See Massive Success

As someone who has purchased low- to high-ticket courses, communities, and coaching in various personal development fields, including health, fitness, making money, YouTube advice, career, and dating advice, I want to share how I’ve observed most students behave. I want to focus on dating advice, although the same trends play out in other fields, to… Continue reading Why A Small Percent Of People Who Take Dating Programs See Massive Success

How To Become Less Agreeable: The Disagreeable Challenge

Being very agreeable is a common problem for many men in the modern world. In some areas of life, it’s fine. The world rewards you for being agreeable. But in other fields, it just doesn’t work. In career and business, the overly agreeable person is usually sub-communicating subservient, low-status behavior. They come off needy, desperate,… Continue reading How To Become Less Agreeable: The Disagreeable Challenge

Why I’m Trying To Become Less Of The Stereotypical Asian Nice Guy

In most areas of life, the world has taught us that being agreeable works great. People prefer harmonious relationships in the workplace and in communities. One area it doesn’t work is dating. The over-agreeable, nice guy is seen as lower value and not as attractive, someone who is too willing to bend over backwards and… Continue reading Why I’m Trying To Become Less Of The Stereotypical Asian Nice Guy

Kids Steal $230M In Crypto And Get Caught In The Dumbest Way

Very recently, there’s been news of three 20- and 21-year old kids who stole allegedly $230M in crypto from an individual via a phishing social engineering scam. While very entertaining, there’s also a lesson to be learned here. These videos cover the main points in a very funny way. But the gist of it is… Continue reading Kids Steal $230M In Crypto And Get Caught In The Dumbest Way

How Crutches and Bandaids Affect Your Social & Dating Life

Throughout my years, I’ve seen many people use what they’re comfortable or good with as a crutch in their social and dating lives. They’ll lean on what they’re comfortable with and avoid the areas they are weak in, unconsciously stifling their potential growth. It’s human nature to run away from pain and towards comfort, even… Continue reading How Crutches and Bandaids Affect Your Social & Dating Life

Categorized as Dating

50,000 Person Survey Reveals Do More Plates Equal More Dates?

Jeff Nippard is one of my favorite fitness YouTubers and has been over 10+ years. That’s because he uses a lot of scientific evidence to support his claims in the videos. He’s head and shoulders above many other gurus who simply make claims. He recently released an epic video revealing the findings of his survey… Continue reading 50,000 Person Survey Reveals Do More Plates Equal More Dates?