A Law of Human Nature: Inability to Discard Working Mental Models

When a person finds a way of achieving a goal, they build a mental model about how the world works and the right way of doing things to get this result. If they feel satisfied with the results and this model yields the most results they have ever achieved, they assume it is the best… Continue reading A Law of Human Nature: Inability to Discard Working Mental Models

Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment

Giving feedback is how we grow. How do we identify our blind spots if we don’t get some? But have you ever given someone some tips on how they can improve or what they’re doing wrong and they take it personally? Perhaps, they lash out at you, attack you personally, or get offended and defensive.… Continue reading Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment

How I Found My Social Blind Spots

This week, I couldn’t help noticing how saturated YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram is with useless drivel masquerading as helpful content. This one video went viral about “how I cold approached 100 women without any experience.” While this type of content seems informative and entertaining, it’s not going to help you much at all. The guy has no… Continue reading How I Found My Social Blind Spots

My Review of Netflix’s One Piece (and What It Can Teach You about Achieving Your Dreams)

I first came into contact with anything related to anime or manga in middle school at a book fair. In some American schools, a company or organization would partner with the school to build a temporary book shop in the library for a few days. During lunch, the kids could visit the library and buy… Continue reading My Review of Netflix’s One Piece (and What It Can Teach You about Achieving Your Dreams)

Should You Switch Jobs or Stay at the Same Job To Make More Income?

I stumbled across this informative YouTube reel that does a skit comparing a person who stays loyal to their company for decades versus someone who hops jobs every three years. As you might expect, the skit ends with the person hopping jobs making substantially more after they meet again in 20 years. But is it… Continue reading Should You Switch Jobs or Stay at the Same Job To Make More Income?

What Jersey Shore Can Teach Us About Human Nature & Love

When it comes to reality TV shows, Jersey Shore often gets labeled as trashy. However, I have a confession to make—I love it! There’s something undeniably entertaining about watching these characters live in a world of partying, hooking up, and bickering. Even as they’ve grown up, the traits that defined them in their wild youth… Continue reading What Jersey Shore Can Teach Us About Human Nature & Love

My Review of Corey Chaloff’s Personal Brand Creator Pro Course

This article contains affiliate links. That means I will get a commission if you purchase through my link at no extra cost to you. I promote something that I have vetted and gone through myself. I only promote quality products that I believe will genuinely help you.  Do you want to grow your social media… Continue reading My Review of Corey Chaloff’s Personal Brand Creator Pro Course