In most areas of life, the world has taught us that being agreeable works great. People prefer harmonious relationships in the workplace and in communities. One area it doesn’t work is dating. The over-agreeable, nice guy is seen as lower value and not as attractive, someone who is too willing to bend over backwards and… Continue reading Why I’m Trying To Become Less Of The Stereotypical Asian Nice Guy
Category: Wealth
Kids Steal $230M In Crypto And Get Caught In The Dumbest Way
Very recently, there’s been news of three 20- and 21-year old kids who stole allegedly $230M in crypto from an individual via a phishing social engineering scam. While very entertaining, there’s also a lesson to be learned here. These videos cover the main points in a very funny way. But the gist of it is… Continue reading Kids Steal $230M In Crypto And Get Caught In The Dumbest Way
Very Important People – A Book Summary
The premise is so outrageous. it’s like the TV show Jersey Shore where you get a peek into the craziest world that you never otherwise would know awbout. The author is a former fashion model and sociologist, who wanted to study the ins and outs of the highest, most exclusive, wealthiest levels of the nightlife… Continue reading Very Important People – A Book Summary
You Don’t Need The Latest Personal Development Fad To Succeed
I’ve been blogging, vlogging, and podcasting about personal development for about 8 to 9 years. And towards the latter years, there’s often a young man who reaches out to me via email or social media asking me about the latest fad, eager to hear me talk about it or thinking it’s the hottest, freshest, most… Continue reading You Don’t Need The Latest Personal Development Fad To Succeed
Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment
Giving feedback is how we grow. How do we identify our blind spots if we don’t get some? But have you ever given someone some tips on how they can improve or what they’re doing wrong and they take it personally? Perhaps, they lash out at you, attack you personally, or get offended and defensive.… Continue reading Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment
Small Things Waste A Lot of Time
It’s a new year, and the gyms are filled with people again. They’re so crowded that it’s hard to get the equipment I want when I’m in there. But like clockwork, I know they’ll thin out by February or March as people lose motivation and give up. But not me. I’ll be there all year.… Continue reading Small Things Waste A Lot of Time
36 Famous Celebrities and Successful People Who Meditate (The Ultimate List)
Lately, there’s a lot of buzz about how meditation can improve your life. Over a thousand scientific studies have been done on the effectiveness of meditation and the results are strong, like this study that found that meditation makes brains several years younger than their counterparts. But are there any successful people coming forth admitting… Continue reading 36 Famous Celebrities and Successful People Who Meditate (The Ultimate List)
Living a Non-Average Life Means You Need to Stop Doing Average Things
In a world filled with conformity and conventionality, where the well-trodden path often leads to mediocrity, true success lies in embracing the zig while others zag. One such enlightening opportunity comes from the book “How Google Works” by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg. This insightful read offers a glimpse into the inner workings of one… Continue reading Living a Non-Average Life Means You Need to Stop Doing Average Things
How To Escape Your Hometown And An Average Life
To some, moving out of your home state and home town in the USA is easy. Sure, it’s definitely easier than other countries. People seem to do it all the time. Most of my classmates were able to achieve that for college or after college. For the rest of us, it’s much harder than it… Continue reading How To Escape Your Hometown And An Average Life
Should You Switch Jobs or Stay at the Same Job To Make More Income?
I stumbled across this informative YouTube reel that does a skit comparing a person who stays loyal to their company for decades versus someone who hops jobs every three years. As you might expect, the skit ends with the person hopping jobs making substantially more after they meet again in 20 years. But is it… Continue reading Should You Switch Jobs or Stay at the Same Job To Make More Income?