Why I’m Trying To Become Less Of The Stereotypical Asian Nice Guy

In most areas of life, the world has taught us that being agreeable works great. People prefer harmonious relationships in the workplace and in communities. One area it doesn’t work is dating. The over-agreeable, nice guy is seen as lower value and not as attractive, someone who is too willing to bend over backwards and… Continue reading Why I’m Trying To Become Less Of The Stereotypical Asian Nice Guy

Why I Quit CrossFit After 5 Years [Podcast]

In this podcast episode, I talk about the various pros and cons of CrossFit and why I ended up transitioning away from it after 5 years based on my goals and the trade-offs of the sport / exercise. Like this show? Please leave a rating here — even one review helps! Listen on all podcast platforms:

36 Famous Celebrities and Successful People Who Meditate (The Ultimate List)

Lately, there’s a lot of buzz about how meditation can improve your life. Over a thousand scientific studies have been done on the effectiveness of meditation and the results are strong, like this study that found that meditation makes brains several years younger than their counterparts. But are there any successful people coming forth admitting… Continue reading 36 Famous Celebrities and Successful People Who Meditate (The Ultimate List)

I Paid My Favorite YouTube Fitness Coach Gokuflex to Train Me For 3 Months

Imagine following fitness YouTubers for many, many years, wishing you could be coached personally by them. And then doing nothing about it because you can’t afford to even consider it. That was me. I lived off free YouTube videos (thousands of them) and affordable e-books for my fitness journey. At some point, I graduated to… Continue reading I Paid My Favorite YouTube Fitness Coach Gokuflex to Train Me For 3 Months

My First Month of Fitness Coaching with Gokuflex: My Review & Was It Worth It?

As a longtime fan of Gokuflex (Matt Kido), a renowned fitness YouTuber and bodybuilder, I recently took a significant step towards achieving my fitness goals by investing in his coaching program. Having spent a decade trying to navigate the world of fitness on my own with mixed results, this was a dream come true and… Continue reading My First Month of Fitness Coaching with Gokuflex: My Review & Was It Worth It?

Categorized as Health

Uplifting and Interesting Personal Development Thoughts for the Week

Consider the following ideas as part of this week’s digest of interesting personal development thoughts. I have been going through various activities to improve myself, such as listening to thought-provoking audiobooks by Dale Carnegie, Robert Greene, Vanessa Van Edwards, and many others. I’ve also been going through a somewhat strict fitness routine with a coach… Continue reading Uplifting and Interesting Personal Development Thoughts for the Week

I Paid My Favorite Fitness YouTuber for Coaching – End of Week 3 Update [Podcast]

The title says it all. In this podcast episode, you’ll learn the pros and cons, the surprises I found out about the quality of coaching, and whether my first time experience with this is worth it. I’m three weeks into my coaching, and I’ve learned a lot. It’s been challenging and time-consuming. It can be… Continue reading I Paid My Favorite Fitness YouTuber for Coaching – End of Week 3 Update [Podcast]

Myth Debunked by Science: Sugar is Fine for Your Fitness Journey

As a long-time consumer of fitness content, I’ve always been told to steer clear of sugar. It’s often portrayed as the villain, the culprit behind weight gain and decreased performance. However, my recent investment in coaching with a fitness YouTuber coach, coupled with an enlightening video with Dr. Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization, has led… Continue reading Myth Debunked by Science: Sugar is Fine for Your Fitness Journey

Categorized as Health