A Law of Human Nature: Inability to Discard Working Mental Models

When a person finds a way of achieving a goal, they build a mental model about how the world works and the right way of doing things to get this result. If they feel satisfied with the results and this model yields the most results they have ever achieved, they assume it is the best… Continue reading A Law of Human Nature: Inability to Discard Working Mental Models

You Don’t Need The Latest Personal Development Fad To Succeed

I’ve been blogging, vlogging, and podcasting about personal development for about 8 to 9 years. And towards the latter years, there’s often a young man who reaches out to me via email or social media asking me about the latest fad, eager to hear me talk about it or thinking it’s the hottest, freshest, most… Continue reading You Don’t Need The Latest Personal Development Fad To Succeed

Why Are So Many Influencers Getting Divorced or Cheated On? [Podcast]

There has been a flurry of celebrity and influencer divorces and cheating situations happening recently, more than usual. At least, that’s what it feels like. While this is a little bit of a divergence from our typical topics, this does tie into personal development because your life partner, as Alex Hormozi says, is one of… Continue reading Why Are So Many Influencers Getting Divorced or Cheated On? [Podcast]

Never Trust Dating Advice From A Guru In Another Field

For those who aren’t aware, Gary Vaynerchuk is a famous social media business guru. He has millions of followers across many platforms, so many creators turn to him for advice and he’s really established himself as the expert in the space for entrepreneurship and social media marketing. Yet I recently thought about something he said… Continue reading Never Trust Dating Advice From A Guru In Another Field

Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment

Giving feedback is how we grow. How do we identify our blind spots if we don’t get some? But have you ever given someone some tips on how they can improve or what they’re doing wrong and they take it personally? Perhaps, they lash out at you, attack you personally, or get offended and defensive.… Continue reading Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment

Driving In A Car With Evan Carmichael, the OG Personal Development YouTuber at 3.7 M Subscribers [Podcast]

In this episode, we sit down with the dynamic Evan Carmichael, a YouTube sensation with a staggering 3.7 million subscribers. Join us as we delve into Evan’s journey as a content creator, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. Discover the secrets behind his viral success, the inspiration behind his impactful videos, and the lessons he’s learned on… Continue reading Driving In A Car With Evan Carmichael, the OG Personal Development YouTuber at 3.7 M Subscribers [Podcast]