Kids Steal $230M In Crypto And Get Caught In The Dumbest Way

Very recently, there’s been news of three 20- and 21-year old kids who stole allegedly $230M in crypto from an individual via a phishing social engineering scam. While very entertaining, there’s also a lesson to be learned here.

These videos cover the main points in a very funny way. But the gist of it is that they stole this money not through hacking and a bunch of coding, but through pretending they were tech support and getting them to screenshare and tell them their password. I’ve read a couple books about the cyberhacking era and social engineering prevention, and it turns out that this is a much easier and common way of stealing anything. Rather than trying to crack open a sophisticated bank vault lock, it’s much easier to trick a person who has the code to divulge it to you.

What’s most amusing is:

  • they are in fact immature, naive kids. And you’ll see why soon with their behaviors.
  • they spent up to $500k a day trying to use their money to impress and pick up women and failed to get any success with women. This came mostly through buying bottles and signs at nightclubs in Miami and LA. And buying a Lamborghini and multiple Burkin bags to give away to girls.
  • their stupid desire to flaunt their money and document it contributed to their capture and evidence
  • they caught them with tons of video evidence. they were dumb enough to record their discussion and act of stealing the money.
  • the ways they spent the money to impress girls just shows they have no idea what they should spend the money on and really shows how brainwashed this generation is into what they believe they should do with money, spending it on the most superficial stuff.
  • the women were not impressed. they still ended up without anything from the girls, not even a kiss on the cheek. one girl just said she has a boyfriend when he tried to gift her a Lambo and 3 burkin bags.
  • the real winners are the nightclubs and the Burkin store that scammed the scammers, tricking them to believing spending that much money on stupid stuff would make a difference in their dating lives.
  • there’s a photo of their alleged receipt at a nightclub. they spent $500k on a bunch of alcohol that you could get for a fraction of the price on their own. For a handful of redbulls, they paid $60. For a few Casamigos, they paid five figures.
  • they ignored obvious common sense, and instead of laying low, they spent a massive amount and left a trail of evidence, sending up a clear red flag of very young individuals spending a lot of money that looks suspicious

Some of the top comments tell us the crowd’s reaction:

spending 250k a day from a 230m bankroll, buying lambos, and still getting no b*tches, in Miami , is crazy work

who tf steals that much money from ONE person not expecting to get caught lmao

Malone makes me think of those low-tier villains in movies who love to brag and pretend they’re one of the big baddies, but somehow get effortlessly beaten by the protagonist or (by their own henchmen) really early into the film.If you do steal 230 million, the worst possible thing to do would be to go spending 250k a day in miami!
A smart person would go off the grid, get plastic surgery, new identity, new country, take some alone time think about what the best next steps are, do not go on a massive spending streak attracting attention to you.

Stole $230mill and still no ladies? Skill issue.

$60 for a RedBull? This club owner is the real criminal.

Real winners are the bottle service girls with an included 12% 😂

They literally could have gotten away with this and sailed into the sunset but squandered it immediately. Incredible display of stupidity.

“Hey guys, we stole millions.. LET’S TELL EVERYONE!”

I love the ”once again, I’m taken.” Meaning she said she was taken before and he was like ”no, you don’t get it, I’m rich”

One big lesson is the fact that having a lot money and spending money ineffectively still leads to no results in dating. The videos walk through some screenshots of text conversations and photos of cars and gifts these kids bought. You’ll see how the women may reject the gifts outright or take them without giving them anything back. There’s even one text conversation where the girl says “once again I’m taken” which means this guy was so convinced about the false idea that money would get him anywhere, even with a woman with a boyfriend, that he still persisted, flabbergasted that she could say no.

Some dating coaches will say that money will not bring you success in dating when you lead with it or use it inappropriately, and unfortunately, the comments of their videos will be flooded with men who disagree or don’t believe it. They’ll often be complaining about and drowning the comments with how it’s all about money or it’s all about money, looks, and status. Well, they’re awfully quiet in the comments of these videos about it. It’s clear as day that it didn’t work. There’s a reason a lot of dating programs, like Men of Action, get a bunch of new clients who are rich. It’s because being rich and using it improperly didn’t work.

Money does help, but you have to use it correctly. Use it to upgrade your style, get a haircut, get someone to prepare tasty, healthy food, get someone to train you in the gym to build muscles and get fit, work on your social skills with a coach, and build a fun, amazing lifestyle that women want to join. Using it incorrectly means leading with money, buying gifts immediately before anyone has earned it, becoming a rich simp, showing you feel you’re less than the women by giving a bunch of expensive things when you barely know her, and portraying yourself as just a bag of money who buys things to make that your first impression. A lot of the wrong ways of using money will only attract the worst type of transactional women that you don’t want anyways. For some men, they attract these women based on their excessive spending and erroneously conclude all women are superficial gold diggers, not realizing that they’re only attracting people with that behavior and not seeing others who aren’t like that. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

I’m writing this to hopefully convince someone of the truth about money and relationships. But also, some people will never be convinced because they use money as a scapegoat or excuse when convenient. They’re not really looking for the truth. When they don’t have money, they can always point to rich people “buying everything in life” as the excuse for why they aren’t where they want to be. Some will stay broke, and some won’t believe it until they get rich themselves and realize the truth.

I’m glad they got caught! They took money that wasn’t theirs. They conducted the whole operation in a botched, terrible way. And they paid for it because of their obvious mistakes. And ironically, what they thought money would solve for them, it didn’t even solve. I mean, at least pay for a house for your parents. It’s a little despicable that their natural reactions were to make selfish purchases for themselves rather than others first.

These YouTubers labeled these scammers as pathetic and losers. I don’t think prefer to put anyone down or use derogatory words about them because it lacks compassion towards someone and you shouldn’t be hurting people for no reason in a world that’s already cruel.

But this might be an exception because they deserved it. They took what wasn’t theirs. They used it for selfish pursuits. They left a trail of evidence and mistakes. And they tried to reap the results of a successful, actualized man without becoming and earning what makes that man who he is. The women sensed it immediately, and showed them their true colors. And sure enough, the Department of Justice cracked down on them soon after. Pathetic is defined as arousing pity or sadness. Sometimes, this word is used in a malicious way to hurt someone, something I don’t think is productive or positive for an actualized man. Sometimes, it’s genuine sadness and pity in a feeling of compassion to help someone out. In this case, it’s neither. It’s pity about someone who floundered and failed with the money they stole, but a righteous pity in the fact that we’re satisfied that they deserved what they got coming to them. Two of them are indicted, and I won’t be surprised if they’re sentenced to jail.

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By Will Chou

I am the the founder of this site and I am grateful you are here to be part of this awesome community. I help hard-working Asian American Millennials get rich doing work they love.

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