For those who aren’t aware, Gary Vaynerchuk is a famous social media business guru. He has millions of followers across many platforms, so many creators turn to him for advice and he’s really established himself as the expert in the space for entrepreneurship and social media marketing. Yet I recently thought about something he said… Continue reading Never Trust Dating Advice From A Guru In Another Field
Category: Success
Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment
Giving feedback is how we grow. How do we identify our blind spots if we don’t get some? But have you ever given someone some tips on how they can improve or what they’re doing wrong and they take it personally? Perhaps, they lash out at you, attack you personally, or get offended and defensive.… Continue reading Mastering the Art of Feedback: A Lesson in Discernment
Driving In A Car With Evan Carmichael, the OG Personal Development YouTuber at 3.7 M Subscribers [Podcast]
In this episode, we sit down with the dynamic Evan Carmichael, a YouTube sensation with a staggering 3.7 million subscribers. Join us as we delve into Evan’s journey as a content creator, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. Discover the secrets behind his viral success, the inspiration behind his impactful videos, and the lessons he’s learned on… Continue reading Driving In A Car With Evan Carmichael, the OG Personal Development YouTuber at 3.7 M Subscribers [Podcast]
Small Things Waste A Lot of Time
It’s a new year, and the gyms are filled with people again. They’re so crowded that it’s hard to get the equipment I want when I’m in there. But like clockwork, I know they’ll thin out by February or March as people lose motivation and give up. But not me. I’ll be there all year.… Continue reading Small Things Waste A Lot of Time
Will by Will Smith, A Book Summary
I finished this book and wrote these book summary notes before the whole Will Smith slap ordeal. Up until that point, he had an almost spotless reputation and track record of massive success in his career. He was a positive, vibrant role model, and a clear candidate for someone who I can learn from through… Continue reading Will by Will Smith, A Book Summary
The Essential Steps to Personal Development
There are necessary steps that every person has to go through in order to progress in personal development. First, it’s awareness of a new opportunity. If you’re not even aware that something is possible, you’re not going to take action or use it. This can be anything from knowing of a new diet, knowing of a new… Continue reading The Essential Steps to Personal Development
How I’m Finding My Subcommunication Blind Spots
You’ve probably heard the common saying that 70% to 93% of communication is nonverbal. Experts, coaches, and movies bring this stat up all the time. So, then this is VERY IMPORTANT. Yet how often do we work on this? How you move, your vocal range, your vocal tone, your facial expressions, your eyes, mouth, arms,… Continue reading How I’m Finding My Subcommunication Blind Spots
How I Found My Social Blind Spots
This week, I couldn’t help noticing how saturated YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram is with useless drivel masquerading as helpful content. This one video went viral about “how I cold approached 100 women without any experience.” While this type of content seems informative and entertaining, it’s not going to help you much at all. The guy has no… Continue reading How I Found My Social Blind Spots
36 Famous Celebrities and Successful People Who Meditate (The Ultimate List)
Lately, there’s a lot of buzz about how meditation can improve your life. Over a thousand scientific studies have been done on the effectiveness of meditation and the results are strong, like this study that found that meditation makes brains several years younger than their counterparts. But are there any successful people coming forth admitting… Continue reading 36 Famous Celebrities and Successful People Who Meditate (The Ultimate List)
How to 10x Your Status: My Review of Personal Brand Creator Pro After Completing the Course
There’s a lot of conflicting advice about what leads to success in career, business, and dating. One thing almost everyone agrees on is that more status is better than less status. In this podcast episode, I review a course that I invested in and finished. This program Personal Brand Creator Pro promises to 10x your… Continue reading How to 10x Your Status: My Review of Personal Brand Creator Pro After Completing the Course