So I was reading the marketing legend Gary Halpern’s Boron letters. He wrote these letters to his son and his son adds feedback on what he learned. There was one thing that stuck out. His son said that Gary was really great at saying no and prioritizing. Nothing stood in the way of what he… Continue reading How to Stay Focused on Your Priorities and Eliminate Distractions Without Burning Out
Category: Success
4 Tips on Dealing with Uncertainty During Tough Times
“Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” No matter who you are, you will face tough times. No matter how good you are, you will face unfair or unexpected things. No matter how successful you’ve become, you will face challenges. Whether it’s for your career or life, these tips can help get you through.… Continue reading 4 Tips on Dealing with Uncertainty During Tough Times
5 of My Favorite Daily Habits To Improve Your Life
One of the worst things you can do towards your own success is let your behaviors and environment control you so you slowly drift into worse habits. It’s dangerous because it happens so slowly over time that you don’t realize it. This gradual process is what can bring you to eat junk food that destroys… Continue reading 5 of My Favorite Daily Habits To Improve Your Life
The Rational Vs. Intuitive Mind: A Guide to Your Gut Feeling
“All of my best decisions in business and in life have been made with heart, intuition, guts… not analysis. If you can make a decision with analysis, you should do so. But it turns out in life that your most important decisions are always made with instinct and intuition, taste, heart.” -Jeff Bezos You have… Continue reading The Rational Vs. Intuitive Mind: A Guide to Your Gut Feeling
How to Define Success for Yourself So You End Up Happy
Many people think of rich people when they think of the world success. But after discovering many depressed rich people, I realized that wasn’t a solid definition of success. Some people have more money than can ever spend, but they hate what they do — or they’re just disengaged with their work, finding no meaning… Continue reading How to Define Success for Yourself So You End Up Happy
Emotional Intelligence for Engineers: A Discussion
I’ve been creating a lot of content over the last year and a half on improving your social intelligence. That’s because I’ve learned that this skill is one of the most powerful, overlooked skills for one’s pursuit of wealth, career success, and relationship success. I’m happy to say that I’ve seen noticeable progress in myself… Continue reading Emotional Intelligence for Engineers: A Discussion
6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Always Listen To Successful People
Like many others, I used to assume that if you want to be good, always study the best of the best of the best. If you want to learn basketball, learn from videos of Michael Jordan rather than the best kid on your block, right? But then, certain experiences made me question if this was… Continue reading 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Always Listen To Successful People
Awaken the Giant Within By Tony Robbins Book Summary
Tony Robbins is a self-help coach, motivational speaker, and businessman who went from working as a janitor with no college degree to making millions of dollars. He has inspired thousands of people with his books, programs, and speeches, and fed millions with his philanthropic efforts. His book Awaken the Giant Within became one of his… Continue reading Awaken the Giant Within By Tony Robbins Book Summary
Q&A: How to Staying Organized, When To Change Careers, and More!
Welcome to my first Q&A session on my podcast. In this episode, I’ll be answering reader questions in detail. We’re going to be talking about a variety of different self help topics, including the life changing art of staying organized, the best time to change careers to another industry, and more! Enjoy! Get a free… Continue reading Q&A: How to Staying Organized, When To Change Careers, and More!
How Simple Solutions and Minds Can Solve Complex Problems
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. -Albert Einstein Steve Wozniak gave a speech on the early days of Apple to students of Berkeley. He told his whole story of the early days until Apple’s success. There was one part around 25 to 35 minutes in that surprised me. The details… Continue reading How Simple Solutions and Minds Can Solve Complex Problems