How To Buy Your First Suit Without Breaking The Bank And Still Looking Sharp

Ask anyone about style and the suit will always come up as one of the most stylish, timeless pieces of clothing you can wear. The reason is simple. It makes your body shape look more attractive, improves your shoulder-to-waist ratio, the top scientifically correlated physical trait for male attraction, and symbolizes the most formal, expensive… Continue reading How To Buy Your First Suit Without Breaking The Bank And Still Looking Sharp

Top 5 Limiting Beliefs About Money (That Can Explode Your Wealth If Fixed)

Many people fail to reach their potential because they blindly accept false rules about the universe that society or their parents have beat into them. “The sun revolves around the earth.” “You died from illness because you were a bad person.” “The only path to success it become a doctor since you will become rich.”… Continue reading Top 5 Limiting Beliefs About Money (That Can Explode Your Wealth If Fixed)

A Busy Man’s Brief Guide To Stopping Procrastination

I was on the phone with one of my email subscribers and he told me he likes shorter posts. He doesn’t have the attention span to read a long post and will scan it. Therefore, I’m combining that feedback with the popular request to talk about how to defeat procrastination and dealing with the inability… Continue reading A Busy Man’s Brief Guide To Stopping Procrastination

How To Live in the Present in the Moment (And Why It’s Key)

With the rising popularity of emotional intelligence and meditation for success, a related concept has been popping up all the time: staying present in the moment. What does “living in the here and now” actually mean? This article will help you discover how being present can improve your wealth, happiness, love life, and relationships.

18 Lessons Steve Harvey Can Teach You About Success: A Book Summary and Review

Steve Harvey is one of the few who truly started from the bottom. There are plenty of successful people who started in the middle of life with a good education and rose to the top. Steve flunked out of school, worked at a factory job, go fired, was homeless, and made up his mind to be… Continue reading 18 Lessons Steve Harvey Can Teach You About Success: A Book Summary and Review

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell: A Book Summary, Review, and Critique

Have you heard of the 10,000 hours rule? Popularized by the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, it basically says that you need 10,000 hours to become a master or expert in a field. Since then, it’s become a mainstream term in pop culture, even mentioned by famous artists: Macklemore wrote a song about it. Ed… Continue reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell: A Book Summary, Review, and Critique

New Scientific Study Reveals A Secret To Stop Procrastinating

For most of human civilization, procrastination advice has come from so-called experts, parents, relative,s and friends. If you were smart, you would learn from one or two of the richest, most successful people you knew who doesn’t procrastinate. But even then, your advice was based on just a couple data sources and you couldn’t really… Continue reading New Scientific Study Reveals A Secret To Stop Procrastinating

20 Rules for Success from Female Billionaire Martha Stewart

Image credit: David Shankbone under Attribution 2.0 Generic, no changes made.

Did you know Martha Stewart was a female billionaire? I bet you didn’t. She’s not anymore, but at one point, she reached that level. It’s interesting how unaware we are that really well-known female celebrities are billionaires even though they’re in the minority and should be celebrated. I didn’t know Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, and… Continue reading 20 Rules for Success from Female Billionaire Martha Stewart