How To Be A Great Leader – The Ultimate Guide

I’ve been collecting leadership advice from the best in the world. This information has been specially curated and only includes the the top individuals: Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart Sam Walton was crowned the richest person in the world. Moreover, he took a small store in Bentonville, Arkinsas and built it into a national empire… Continue reading How To Be A Great Leader – The Ultimate Guide

Jeff Bezos’s Leadership Style, Personality Characteristics, and Business Tips

Jeff Bezos talking to a customer

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” -Jeff Bezos This is a special episode of Will’s Personal Development Podcast. This is part two to my discussion on “Billionaire Lessons I Learned from Jeff Bezos.” You can listen to part one… Continue reading Jeff Bezos’s Leadership Style, Personality Characteristics, and Business Tips

The Evidence-Based Guide to Important Factors To Consider in Decision Making

Van Halen was once the most famous bands in the world. They released hit after hit. But rumors spread that the members were divas. They would demand ridiculous services like a bowl of M&M’s with no brown ones in it prepared on a table before a show. If they found one brown M&M, they would flip out and… Continue reading The Evidence-Based Guide to Important Factors To Consider in Decision Making

What Is Your Emotional Intelligence? Quiz

If you have been in the personal development or business space online for a decent while, you have probably heard the phrase “emotional intelligence” thrown out there. As a refresher, I did a video on what is emotional intelligence (EQ) and why it’s important. You can watch it below: I also made an EQ quiz.… Continue reading What Is Your Emotional Intelligence? Quiz

How To Be Unfuckwithable: Code of the Extraordinary Mind Summary and Review

Have you heard of Mindvalley? It’s a $100+ Million dollar business around meditation and spiritual education. The founder of the company, Vishen Lakhiani, wrote a book on success. It’s called The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life & Succeed On Your Own Terms. Having been in the self-help space for… Continue reading How To Be Unfuckwithable: Code of the Extraordinary Mind Summary and Review

10 Life-Changing Books to Read for People in their 20’s (Must Read)

A common question ambitious men in their 20’s ask me is, “What life-changing books should I read?” Asking any question about books, especially life-changing books, is a tough one to answer. That’s because I read a lot more books than the average person. Therefore, it can be like asking a musician what their favorite song… Continue reading 10 Life-Changing Books to Read for People in their 20’s (Must Read)

24 Lessons from Jeff Bezos’s Business Strategy

Jeff Bezos. Founder of The 5th richest person in the world. Leader in modern retail. How did he do it? What was the secret to his business strategy? The book The Everything Store, reveals all. It details Jeff Bezos’s journey as he built into one of the world’s largest, most successful companies. The… Continue reading 24 Lessons from Jeff Bezos’s Business Strategy