10 Bad Habits That Millionaires Avoid

Here are ten bad habits that millionaires avoid: Procrastination: Millionaires understand that time is a valuable asset and they avoid wasting it by procrastinating on important tasks and projects. Instead, they prioritize their time and work efficiently to achieve their goals. Overspending: Millionaires are careful with their money and avoid overspending on unnecessary expenses. They… Continue reading 10 Bad Habits That Millionaires Avoid

Captivate by Vanessa Van Edwards, A Book Summary

Captivate by Vanessa Van Edwards is a book that delves into the science of human behavior and the art of persuasion. In it, Van Edwards provides practical tips and techniques for mastering the art of communication and influencing others. One of the key themes of the book is the importance of understanding the different personality… Continue reading Captivate by Vanessa Van Edwards, A Book Summary

How To Read Faster

Speed reading is a technique that allows a person to read text quickly and efficiently. This is done by using a range of strategies, such as avoiding subvocalization (the act of silently saying words in your head as you read) and using your peripheral vision to take in more text at once. According to scientific… Continue reading How To Read Faster

The Power of Active Listening

One of the key issues with bad communicators is they treat listening as simply a time to “tune out the other person and wait for your turn to talk.” Extroverts, especially, have this tendency of bull-dozing through a conversation with their thoughts, turning it into a one-sided speech. It’s no wonder why the other person… Continue reading The Power of Active Listening

Who is Jordan Peterson?

Before Andrew Tate, many young men were obsessed with this individual called Jordan Peterson. I had no idea or interest in who he was until I noticed he was attracting hundreds of thousands of followers through social media through his content on improving your life. What makes him so special when plenty before him have… Continue reading Who is Jordan Peterson?

The Secret to Forming Habits is Simple and It Isn’t Fancy

Building good habits is an essential part of living a healthy, happy, and productive life. Whether it’s exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, or getting enough sleep, establishing healthy habits can help us improve our physical and mental well-being. But, as many of us know, building good habits isn’t always easy. It requires discipline, motivation,… Continue reading The Secret to Forming Habits is Simple and It Isn’t Fancy

5 Laws of Human Nature

Understanding human nature allows you to predict how someone responds before they do. It allows you to better navigate human interaction. And it allows you to better get through life with less frustration and struggle. Here are some laws of human nature that I’ve observed time and time again. Keep in mind that these are… Continue reading 5 Laws of Human Nature

Categorized as Success

“Knowledge is Power” Is Terrible Advice

“The more you learn, the more you earn.” That’s a quote from Warren Buffett I still believe in. However, lately, I’m starting to notice a lot more experts on the internet talk about how knowledge isn’t power; it’s execution and action that matters. They say that so many spend too much time absorbing content online.… Continue reading “Knowledge is Power” Is Terrible Advice