One mental model that has improved my ability to communicate well and understand people is love languages. If you’re looking to increase your social intelligence and skills, read on. The five love languages are different ways that people show and receive love according to the book The Five Love Languages. They are: Words of Affirmation:… Continue reading What are the Five Love Languages? How People Express & Receive Love.
Everyone’s An Investor
Everyone is an investor. People think of an investor as a niche group of people who invest in businesses and make a lot of money from them. However, we all are investors because we get to choose where we spend our time and money for the biggest impact. It’s just that the average person isn’t… Continue reading Everyone’s An Investor
The Neuroscience Behind Bad Decisions with Money
The Allais paradox is a paradox about the psychology of decision-making. It presents two choices: Choice A: You have a 50% chance of winning $1,000 and a 50% chance of winning nothing. Choice B: You have a 99% chance of winning $1,000 and a 1% chance of winning $1,000,000. Which choice would you make? Most… Continue reading The Neuroscience Behind Bad Decisions with Money
How Survivorship Bias Causes You To Make Mistakes
During World War II, fighter planes would come back from battle with holes. Engineers noted the areas where airplanes were hit and assumed they need to strengthen the most frequently damaged parts to build stronger aircraft. A mathematician, Abraham Wald, pointed out that the enemy does not spare areas with no bullet holes. The planes… Continue reading How Survivorship Bias Causes You To Make Mistakes
I Tried Tim Ferriss’s Past Year Review Method
I’ve done thorough “year in review”s before on my blog. This year, I want to try Tim Ferriss’s new, simplified past year review method. He put out an article saying that new year resolutions aren’t that useful and proposed his method for reviewing a recent year, which he claims is more valuable. Basically, you look… Continue reading I Tried Tim Ferriss’s Past Year Review Method
This Man Wasted $250,000 on Fake Gurus
In the areas of health, wealth, love, and happiness, there’s people selling you coaching services and courses. Yet one revelation I’ve had that’s rocked my world is that the people who have the biggest following online usually aren’t the best teachers who can get you results or may even be frauds. They’re the best at marketing… Continue reading This Man Wasted $250,000 on Fake Gurus
No, You Shouldn’t Delete Social Media. Here’s Why.
Over the last few years, people have been telling you to delete all social media because it is ruining your life, keeping you up at night with addiction, distracting you, or making you miserable with comparison. Mark Manson, the popular author of The subtle art of not giving a f*rk, wrote a whole book as… Continue reading No, You Shouldn’t Delete Social Media. Here’s Why.
You Are Your Own Worst Enemy: How To Get Out of Your Own Way [Podcast]
In this podcast episode, we talk about how to stop shooting yourself in the foot, giving and receiving feedback, and eliminating ego. Like this show? Please leave a rating here — even one review helps! Listen on all podcast platforms:
5 People Who Overcame Obstacles That Were Thought To Be Impossible
Over my readings, I’ve come across a few incredible examples of individuals who kept trying to improve despite being told numerous times by their doctor it’s impossible to recover. Let this inspire you. Napoleon Hill’s son – Born with an ear defection Napoleon Hill is an incredible individual who spent over 20 years studying hundreds… Continue reading 5 People Who Overcame Obstacles That Were Thought To Be Impossible
How to Make Friends With Influential People
Last year, I was living in New York City, and I realized how much your social life as an adult depends on you. Even in one of the largest, most lively cities in the world, I can easily see how someone can be isolated or have no social life out of a lack of skill.… Continue reading How to Make Friends With Influential People