How Will Smith’s Arrival on Social Media Ignited A Fire Within Me (His Keys to Success)

Will Smith has been one of my role models for years. But the content available on his secrets to success was only enough to fill a small cup. For years online, there were only two main sources. The first was a 2010 video compilations of a few interviews on success he did. He spoke on… Continue reading How Will Smith’s Arrival on Social Media Ignited A Fire Within Me (His Keys to Success)

How To Deal With the Asian American Identity Crisis & Racial Insecurities

I was giving a speech awhile ago about my social struggles, an Indian came up to me and unleashed on how he could relate relate. He said he didn’t want to seem racist but he didn’t connect with the white people in his area. He always gravitated towards any Asian or Indian people he saw… Continue reading How To Deal With the Asian American Identity Crisis & Racial Insecurities

The Secrets to Asian American Male Dating with Mike “SquattinCassanova”

In this podcast, I interview Mike “SquattinCassanova”, an Asian dating coach. We talk about: are Asian men undateable? the insecurities we deal with the differences in race when it coming to dating struggles Asian American millennial men have in dating the importance of not blaming or feeling like you deserve anything how we can become… Continue reading The Secrets to Asian American Male Dating with Mike “SquattinCassanova”

How To Buy Your First Suit Without Breaking The Bank And Still Looking Sharp

Ask anyone about style and the suit will always come up as one of the most stylish, timeless pieces of clothing you can wear. The reason is simple. It makes your body shape look more attractive, improves your shoulder-to-waist ratio, the top scientifically correlated physical trait for male attraction, and symbolizes the most formal, expensive… Continue reading How To Buy Your First Suit Without Breaking The Bank And Still Looking Sharp

Top 5 Limiting Beliefs About Money (That Can Explode Your Wealth If Fixed)

Many people fail to reach their potential because they blindly accept false rules about the universe that society or their parents have beat into them. “The sun revolves around the earth.” “You died from illness because you were a bad person.” “The only path to success it become a doctor since you will become rich.”… Continue reading Top 5 Limiting Beliefs About Money (That Can Explode Your Wealth If Fixed)

A Busy Man’s Brief Guide To Stopping Procrastination

I was on the phone with one of my email subscribers and he told me he likes shorter posts. He doesn’t have the attention span to read a long post and will scan it. Therefore, I’m combining that feedback with the popular request to talk about how to defeat procrastination and dealing with the inability… Continue reading A Busy Man’s Brief Guide To Stopping Procrastination

How To Live in the Present in the Moment (And Why It’s Key)

With the rising popularity of emotional intelligence and meditation for success, a related concept has been popping up all the time: staying present in the moment. What does “living in the here and now” actually mean? This article will help you discover how being present can improve your wealth, happiness, love life, and relationships.