14 Remarkable Ways How Successful People Work Less and Get More Done

Would you like to learn how to get 5 times the results with half the effort? Would you like to have one extra hour of free time in a day? Would you like to have more time to relax even though you are getting more done than people working harder than you? This is not… Continue reading 14 Remarkable Ways How Successful People Work Less and Get More Done

1 Surprising Skill of Many Billionaires You Can Develop

Joe Crimmings

I have studied thousands of successful individuals. You tend to pick up on eerie similarities that many of them have when you do so. This is one that I don’t think anyone really recognizes or emphasizes: I have found that a ton of successful founders and CEOs were really, really good salesman before they started a… Continue reading 1 Surprising Skill of Many Billionaires You Can Develop

5 Quotes from Billionaire Mark Cuban That Will Inspire You to Work Your Butt Off

Some people like Mark Cuban because he owns the Mavericks or because he is a star on the TV show Shark Tank. However, I like him for his business insight and the fact that he has a great interest and respect for the tech and e-sports scene. If you ever need proof, just watch a… Continue reading 5 Quotes from Billionaire Mark Cuban That Will Inspire You to Work Your Butt Off

How to Increase Sales Conversions on Webinars

This video will show you how to increase sales and boost conversions into sales on a webinar. This is a list of tweaks for people who want to increase conversion sales on webinars. This is for business owners who already use webinars. You guys already know the ridiculous conversions of webinars if done right. This is… Continue reading How to Increase Sales Conversions on Webinars

Top Youtubers are Becoming Just As Big As Celebrities

I have watched thousands of Youtube videos over the years. I am a proud Youtuber and have seen the culture evolve over the last 8 years. Honestly, things were different just a few years ago. Top Youtubers were fighting to become mainstream. They encouraged eachother and helped promote eachother in any way in terms of… Continue reading Top Youtubers are Becoming Just As Big As Celebrities

Billionaires Book Club: The Narrow Road by Felix Dennis

If you’re going to learn from someone, you might as well start at the top. Let’s learn from billionaires. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of books written by billionaires, many on their deathbeds, explaining their secrets after 50+ years of experience. However, these are not marketed well and no one knows about them.… Continue reading Billionaires Book Club: The Narrow Road by Felix Dennis

How I Grew A Blog To 20.71 Millions Visits And Threw It Away – Why You Need Your Own Domain

Have you ever wanted to be famous? I’m not talking about the fame where you can’t have a private moment to yourself. I’m talking about a healthy fame where you are instantly recognized wherever you go in your niche. You are a respected authority on your topic. As soon as you enter a room, everyone… Continue reading How I Grew A Blog To 20.71 Millions Visits And Threw It Away – Why You Need Your Own Domain

10 Qualities To Look For and Cultivate In A Life Partner

A supermodel met a pro gamer through Twitter. And they ended dated for years despite being separated by hundreds of thousands of miles. This is a real story that took place and it went viral on the Internet. https://instagram.com/p/5qYAYGGZPZ/?taken-by=iamyanetgarcia Most of the world seems to only care about a couple traits when they’re looking for a partner:… Continue reading 10 Qualities To Look For and Cultivate In A Life Partner

Should You Follow Your Passion?

The Internet is flooded with debates on whether you should follow your passion. Is it really viable? Can everyone actually make a living doing what they love? Here are just a few popular videos on the topic: Mike Rowe’s whole point in the video was that the winners who won big, say all the billionaires profiled in… Continue reading Should You Follow Your Passion?

Find Out What You’re Truly After & Cut Out The Unnecessary

This video is about cutting out the unnecessary middlework. I have seen many pieces of similar advice like the examples I use in this video from successful people including Tim Ferriss. The basic idea is to keep following the trains of “why” in your life. Keep asking yourself why you want to do something until… Continue reading Find Out What You’re Truly After & Cut Out The Unnecessary