How to Raise Your Self Esteem (and Why It Matters)

A few years ago, I did the “Less Things, More Happiness” 7 Day Challenge, so now, I want to continue with a new challenge. Nowadays, it feels like there’s so many things one can improve upon and spend their time on: fitness, health, focus, willpower, meditation, productivity … it’s overwhelming. For at least the next… Continue reading How to Raise Your Self Esteem (and Why It Matters)

My Experiences Going The “Free Way” vs. The “Frustration-Free Way”

As someone raised with Asian immigrant parents, I was taught by example to save. Our family made our own dinners every night. A trip to McDonald’s was a special treat once every few weeks. Clothes were given as hand-me-downs. As I grew older, my family became gradually wealthier, but these habits stuck and were re-enforced… Continue reading My Experiences Going The “Free Way” vs. The “Frustration-Free Way”

4 Common Personal Development Beliefs That Are False

The world of personal development is large, especially since any successful person nowadays can join and start spouting success tips. With all that noise, we must be careful of which advice to follow. After years of being a fan, I discovered a few common sayings that I believe are false upon closer inspection and reference… Continue reading 4 Common Personal Development Beliefs That Are False

This is the Best Book I’ve Read In A While: Lessons From Will Smith’s Biography (Podcast)

I read a lot of books. So it’s saying something when I say this is the best book I’ve read in the last two years. In this podcast episode, you’ll discover why. You’ll learn all sorts about Will Smith’s life, struggles, mistakes, advice, and trauma. What a story! Like this show? Please leave a rating… Continue reading This is the Best Book I’ve Read In A While: Lessons From Will Smith’s Biography (Podcast)

Party It Up or Delay Gratification? Here’s Why You Should Do Both

Throughout your life, you’ve probably heard these two competing philosophies.  The first philosophy is around just partying and enjoying as much of life as you can right now, even at the cost of your future. Who cares about how well you do on that test tomorrow or your career and savings in 20 years? Live… Continue reading Party It Up or Delay Gratification? Here’s Why You Should Do Both