How to Negotiate like a Multi-Millionaire Salesman by Brian Tracy

This article comes straight from the great mind of Brian Tracy, mainly through his book on negotiation. Also, it includes little things I have picked up from many career experts like best-selling author Ramit Sethi. This information can be applied to all sorts of negotiation: sales, real estate, business deals, negotiating your salary for a… Continue reading How to Negotiate like a Multi-Millionaire Salesman by Brian Tracy

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 5-Step Process To Success and Getting What You Want Out of Life

I’m halfway through Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography, and it is electrifying! This man grew up in poverty in Austria, won bodybuilding championships across Europe, made his dream come true of coming to America, became a multiple-time bodybuilding champion, became a millionaire in real estate, became the world’s top actor, and then became the governor of California.… Continue reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 5-Step Process To Success and Getting What You Want Out of Life

My Review of Ramit Sethi’s Revamped 2021 Dream Job Course

The well-known, personal-finance and career guru Ramit Sethi recently overhauled his entire Dream Job online course. Since this is a course that I have reviewed and still remains one of my most expensive course purchases, I wanted to discuss the new version after going through it. As a refresher, the course promises to offer a… Continue reading My Review of Ramit Sethi’s Revamped 2021 Dream Job Course

How I Managed to Work with Ramit Sethi & Neil Patel with No Connections

Here’s how I worked for Ramit Sethi and Neil Patel, two titans in the digital marketing and entrepreneurship world. It’s hard to not know who they are in their fields, but Ramit is a big guy in the personal finance and entrepreneurship space and Neil Patel is a digital marketing expert. Ramit is known for… Continue reading How I Managed to Work with Ramit Sethi & Neil Patel with No Connections

How To Get Your First Digital Marketing Job with Seth Jared Hymes [Podcast]

Digital marketing is one of the coolest industries to ever come out. It’s fresh, new, and part of the new digital era. I know there’s a lot of young, new graduates following my content, and I want to give you some tips from someone experienced on getting your first foot in the door in this… Continue reading How To Get Your First Digital Marketing Job with Seth Jared Hymes [Podcast]

How to Improve Your Social Skills – 33 Tips From 10 Years of Learning

Ten years ago, I began my first step in self improvement, by Googling “dating advice.” Back then, the articles I found had mediocre advice at best, but it started me on my journey of realizing that social skills were a skill, something you can improve. Here are some key lessons I picked up over the years. Don’t… Continue reading How to Improve Your Social Skills – 33 Tips From 10 Years of Learning

The Golden Handcuffs Situation: How It Keeps You Trapped and Miserable

“Golden handcuffs” is a common phrase used in modern corporate world to describe someone who is in the situation where they have something awesome, but at the same time, that thing creates a restriction in their freedom or happiness. This situation is super common in the professional world, especially in major cities in the United… Continue reading The Golden Handcuffs Situation: How It Keeps You Trapped and Miserable

My Favorite Interviews From My Personal Development Podcast (Check These Out!)

Some of you may not know that I have a personal development podcast. I bring on inspiring individuals to drop knowledge that will lead you to greater health, wealth, love, and happiness. This article showcases some of my favorite interviews I’ve done that you should check out. Tim “DeLaGhetto” Chantarangsu on How Asian Americans Can… Continue reading My Favorite Interviews From My Personal Development Podcast (Check These Out!)

5 Reasons You Don’t Need A Perfect Job Or Millions of $$ To Be Happy Right Now

An underlying theme to all my content is what I liked to call TRUE SUCCESS. True success is having a life where you don’t have to worry about money and you are truly fulfilled, engaged, and happy with your work and lifestyle. This is NOT about money in order to buy fancy cars or a… Continue reading 5 Reasons You Don’t Need A Perfect Job Or Millions of $$ To Be Happy Right Now