21 Billionaire Secret Habits to Success

I have read over a hundred books and watched over tens of thousands of interviews of the most successful people in the world (interviews, speeches, compilations, etc.). I am not saying this to brag. I am saying it to give you some credibility on why you should listen to me.  You pick up on some… Continue reading 21 Billionaire Secret Habits to Success

Constructive Paranoia: The Secret to Making Better Risky Decisions and Avoiding Catastrophe

Imagine you’re a tribesman of a village in the distant past. Each time you go to the nearby forest, there’s a 1 in a 1,000 chance that you’ll die if a tree falls on you if you sleep under it. That doesn’t seem likely to concern you, right? Well, consider the fact that you’ll be… Continue reading Constructive Paranoia: The Secret to Making Better Risky Decisions and Avoiding Catastrophe

How To Trick People Into Thinking You’re Great At Everything

Imagine being admired as someone who is great at everything. You’re good-looking, fit, rich, well-traveled, well-dressed, charismatic, funny, have lots of friends, well-accomplished, and interesting. The truth is it’s possible and the people you perceive to be like this aren’t as perfect as you think. The secret lies in understanding diminishing returns and riding the… Continue reading How To Trick People Into Thinking You’re Great At Everything

The Life Changing Art of Staying Organized (How To Stay Tidy)

One of my readers wrote in, and asked me for help staying organized. Organization just makes things more efficient, pleasing to look at, and relaxing. There’s many benefits for your career — or even your relationships, people judge you poorly if you’re messy. The secret is partial minimalism. Things look cleaner and more organized when… Continue reading The Life Changing Art of Staying Organized (How To Stay Tidy)

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman Book Summary & Review

High EQ women are outgoing, social, and assertive. Do you see these traits in people you know? Do you see the lack of these traits in others?

There’s a term that’s being tossed around a lot these days: emotional intelligence. People are saying it’s just as important, if not, more than IQ. Well, what is it, why does it matter, and how do you improve it? Having great emotional intelligence (EQ) can help you: be more like-able and communicate with customers, employees,… Continue reading Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman Book Summary & Review

How To Find Your Passion: The Ultimate Guide

There is great advice out there about finding your purpose scattered among hundreds of books, interviews, and speeches from successful people. I’ve compiled the best of what I’ve learned, what makes the most sense, and what actually has worked in the real world — not theory. Here’s the guide I wish I had for myself… Continue reading How To Find Your Passion: The Ultimate Guide

How To Improve Emotional Intelligence

Countless studies have found that emotional intelligence is just as important, if not more important, to your success than your IQ. If you’re unfamiliar, emotional intelligence or EQ, is described as the level that you can be aware of interpersonal emotions of others and yourself and express yourself socially in the best way to achieve the… Continue reading How To Improve Emotional Intelligence

Top 39 Personal Development Influencers, Gurus & Leaders

Most people aren’t as plugged into the personal development space as I am. Therefore, I thought it would be useful to create a comprehensive list of all the top active personal development influencers across the web. The list covers the most impactful leaders for all content platforms, including social, podcasts, and blogging. As a note,… Continue reading Top 39 Personal Development Influencers, Gurus & Leaders