14 Remarkable Ways How Successful People Work Less and Get More Done

Would you like to learn how to get 5 times the results with half the effort? Would you like to have one extra hour of free time in a day? Would you like to have more time to relax even though you are getting more done than people working harder than you? This is not… Continue reading 14 Remarkable Ways How Successful People Work Less and Get More Done

1 Surprising Skill of Many Billionaires You Can Develop

Joe Crimmings

I have studied thousands of successful individuals. You tend to pick up on eerie similarities that many of them have when you do so. This is one that I don’t think anyone really recognizes or emphasizes: I have found that a ton of successful founders and CEOs were really, really good salesman before they started a… Continue reading 1 Surprising Skill of Many Billionaires You Can Develop

5 Quotes from Billionaire Mark Cuban That Will Inspire You to Work Your Butt Off

Some people like Mark Cuban because he owns the Mavericks or because he is a star on the TV show Shark Tank. However, I like him for his business insight and the fact that he has a great interest and respect for the tech and e-sports scene. If you ever need proof, just watch a… Continue reading 5 Quotes from Billionaire Mark Cuban That Will Inspire You to Work Your Butt Off

5 Powerful Habits of the Ultra Successful (Infographic)

Developing good habits is one of the keys to success. As the billionaire Warren Buffett says, “The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” A large portion of the top performers and super achievers in the world attribute their positive daily habits to the success that they… Continue reading 5 Powerful Habits of the Ultra Successful (Infographic)

Look at This Before You Commit Suicide (Practical Thoughts)

Partially inspired by Tim Ferriss’s articles on suicide and my own experiences, this is my amateur-ish video on what I’ve learned over the years. Hopefully it helps. I’m still kind of bad at these videos. If you need help, Call this number: 1 (800) 273-8255. It’s the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline   One of the… Continue reading Look at This Before You Commit Suicide (Practical Thoughts)

5 Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Be A Millionaire

Relaxation, unlimited free time, Bugatti’s, and vacations to the Caribbean. This is what people assume when they think of a millionaire. You probably won’t experience that. Sorry. Unless you conquer these 5 obstacles stopping you from becoming a millionaire. Each of these includes a “take action now” step to help you obliterate what’s keeping you where… Continue reading 5 Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Be A Millionaire

Billionaires Book Club: The Narrow Road by Felix Dennis

If you’re going to learn from someone, you might as well start at the top. Let’s learn from billionaires. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of books written by billionaires, many on their deathbeds, explaining their secrets after 50+ years of experience. However, these are not marketed well and no one knows about them.… Continue reading Billionaires Book Club: The Narrow Road by Felix Dennis

How to Have Bigger Achievements by Asking Better Questions

Small questions yield small discoveries. Bigger questions lead to sometimes, bigger mysteries: A hole in the ground turns into a complex of holes that stretch for miles. Even with the right question, you might get surprising answers. If you ask better questions you will get better results. On the lowest level, people ask questions like… Continue reading How to Have Bigger Achievements by Asking Better Questions

Professional athletes cant do this.

Professional athletes cant do this. What is it? It’s an exercise I call the Jane Fonda. https://instagram.com/p/50a82eA0Eo/?taken-by=willyoulaugh_ (That’s my instagram, you can follow me on there if you want. I post inspirational quotes) You need to be able to do at least 30 on both sides to be healthy. Why cant they? They dont train obscure… Continue reading Professional athletes cant do this.