As someone raised with Asian immigrant parents, I was taught by example to save. Our family made our own dinners every night. A trip to McDonald’s was a special treat once every few weeks. Clothes were given as hand-me-downs. As I grew older, my family became gradually wealthier, but these habits stuck and were re-enforced… Continue reading My Experiences Going The “Free Way” vs. The “Frustration-Free Way”
This One Method Gets People To Like You
Social skills, and more importantly, getting people to like you, is important to many aspects of life: dating making friends getting professors to like you career inspiring coworkers and employees business networking getting people to believe in your ideas That’s part of the reason why I invested in hiring a communications coach. And I learned… Continue reading This One Method Gets People To Like You
How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Fear of Not Being Where You Want To Be Yet
Lately, I’ve found a good amount of people seem to stress over not achieving some level of success they believe they need to hit by a certain age. Past a level, the anxiety, fear, and negative self-talk can be more damaging than self-serving. In this short but impactful podcast episode, I touch on some tips… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Fear of Not Being Where You Want To Be Yet
Will’s Personal Development Values & Manifesto
I realized I never laid out my brand’s culture and values. And because of that, I can sometimes unintentionally attract the wrong type of people as my followers and community. Or there’s just confusion on what I stand for. I figured it would be implicit through my content, but it’s a lot to sift through… Continue reading Will’s Personal Development Values & Manifesto
I Went to 8 Networking Events to Network. Here’s What I Learned
So I had so much about the power of networking. I read about its power in the billionaire Reid Hoffman’s book. I learned the true story of Rosa Parks and how it was really her vast, well-connected network that ignited the equal rights movement, not the fact that she just refused to give up her… Continue reading I Went to 8 Networking Events to Network. Here’s What I Learned
The Problem With Being A Workaholic
I’ve been studying successful people for my personal development blog for about eight years. And one common behavior pattern I find is that some successful people will be successful partially because they work hard. But then, they run into issues in their life because what they’ve neglected because of the workaholism. Even recently, I’ve encountered… Continue reading The Problem With Being A Workaholic
How To Not Get Into An Internet Fight That Ruins Your Day
A few years ago, I was reading this LinkedIn Group thread. They were discussing career advice, but things took a turn for the worse as two “professionals” got into a fight that lasted for dozens of comments. One unintended personal insult led to another, and it spiraled out of control. I’d seen this type of… Continue reading How To Not Get Into An Internet Fight That Ruins Your Day
Stranger Things 4 Review: This Show is a Cultural Icon of the Decade
I just finished Stranger Thing Season 4 Volume 2, and it deserves a standing ovation. This was probably the best season other than season one. I would love to watch many more seasons of this show. They really know how to pull at your heart strings and get you close to tears every season, and… Continue reading Stranger Things 4 Review: This Show is a Cultural Icon of the Decade
Always Getting “No Chemistry” After the First Date? Read This
The worst dating advice that I keep hearing from women is “just be yourself.” And I have the best evidence for this. In my personal experience, I’ve often had trouble getting a second date after the first date. Usually, I’m being myself. I’m not trying to be someone I’m not. I’m honest, vulnerable, kind, and… Continue reading Always Getting “No Chemistry” After the First Date? Read This
My Journey of Learning Not to Care What Others Think
The book the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck has sold millions of copies for a reason. It covers a topic that is one of the most popular topics out there: not caring what people think about you. It’s not that we should never care about anyone or anything. It’s useful to care sometimes.… Continue reading My Journey of Learning Not to Care What Others Think