The following is a copy of one of my most opened emails ever. Now, opens don’t always mean readers get engaged. Nonetheless, I thought it was worth sharing. I get comments or messages from students who compare themselves to others doing much better than them. It’s easy to compare yourself to others with better grades,… Continue reading The Pick-Me-Up You Needed This Week
4 Common Personal Development Beliefs That Are False
The world of personal development is large, especially since any successful person nowadays can join and start spouting success tips. With all that noise, we must be careful of which advice to follow. After years of being a fan, I discovered a few common sayings that I believe are false upon closer inspection and reference… Continue reading 4 Common Personal Development Beliefs That Are False
How to Get Unstoppable Perseverance & Improve Your Communication Skills (Q&A Podcast)
In today’s podcast episode, I cover some tips and topics based on an email subscriber’s question. He said he found a lot of value from my content so far with improving his communication skills for career and dating and his confidence, but he wanted more elaboration. In this episode, I talk about: how do I… Continue reading How to Get Unstoppable Perseverance & Improve Your Communication Skills (Q&A Podcast)
Why It’s Okay If You’re Not Passionate About Your Job
I was attending a Stoicism Meet-up group for the first time out of curiosity, and I started discussing finding a job you’re passionate about. The host responded to me in a calm, steady manner that he doesn’t believe that people should be so wrapped up with finding a passion. He just views his job as… Continue reading Why It’s Okay If You’re Not Passionate About Your Job
I’m Still Obsessed with
I’ve been following the promotions and pricing for years now. And this is the first time they are doing an actual discount. It’s almost always a buy one membership get one free, but for the next few days, you could get a 35% discount. This is a huge opportunity, and I think it is… Continue reading I’m Still Obsessed with
What I Learned Traveling Across the USA
Success is subjective. What someone defines as “success” and “a lot of money” is likely different for the next 10 people you ask. For me, part of success is living a life worth living, a life that’s interesting. And that’s why I’ve been traveling the USA for the last several months. I’ve been sharing my… Continue reading What I Learned Traveling Across the USA
Stoicism Is The Latest Young Male Trend. So What Is It?
Since I write in the men’s personal development space, I get a decent stream of young men suggesting new trends for me to look into or cover. Some examples include Jordan Peterson, intermittent fasting, the book Can’t Hurt Me, the book Extreme Ownership, ice baths, and Wim Hof. Frankly, I’ve usually taken the perspective that… Continue reading Stoicism Is The Latest Young Male Trend. So What Is It?
I Tried to Watch the Top 100 Movies of All Time
When I was a kid, I remember finishing an epic TV show, book, wuxia, or anime, and thinking, “Wow, that was the most awesome story I’ve heard. If this exists, there’s probably more stuff out as amazing out there. I just have to find it.” That idea morphed into a few goals, including a to-do… Continue reading I Tried to Watch the Top 100 Movies of All Time
This is the Best Book I’ve Read In A While: Lessons From Will Smith’s Biography (Podcast)
I read a lot of books. So it’s saying something when I say this is the best book I’ve read in the last two years. In this podcast episode, you’ll discover why. You’ll learn all sorts about Will Smith’s life, struggles, mistakes, advice, and trauma. What a story! Like this show? Please leave a rating… Continue reading This is the Best Book I’ve Read In A While: Lessons From Will Smith’s Biography (Podcast)
How Shy Men Can Meet Quality Women Without Going to Bars or Nightclubs By Using Marketing 101 Strategically
The truth about dating is that most guys (and girls) have no idea what they’re doing. They have these theories they think are right, randomly choose a place (like a bar), and hope for the best. But there’s a much better way to get more of the people you want to like you. In this… Continue reading How Shy Men Can Meet Quality Women Without Going to Bars or Nightclubs By Using Marketing 101 Strategically