Party It Up or Delay Gratification? Here’s Why You Should Do Both

Throughout your life, you’ve probably heard these two competing philosophies.  The first philosophy is around just partying and enjoying as much of life as you can right now, even at the cost of your future. Who cares about how well you do on that test tomorrow or your career and savings in 20 years? Live… Continue reading Party It Up or Delay Gratification? Here’s Why You Should Do Both

Life Lessons I Learned From Traveling Through China & the Philippines

With COVID, I haven’t traveled outside the country in almost three years. Now, I know a lot of people who have already traveled to another country in 2021 and 2022 for vacation, but I know people who won’t. At least for now, I fall in the latter camp. In the meantime, I can do some… Continue reading Life Lessons I Learned From Traveling Through China & the Philippines

How to Not Die Alone By Eliminating Self-Sabotage – A Book Summary [Podcast]

This podcast episode dives into the details of what I learned from a book called How to Not Die Alone. The book provides very useful tips and insights about three self-sabotaging tendencies that stop us from succeeding in our love life in the modern world. I believe these tendencies can also be applied to the… Continue reading How to Not Die Alone By Eliminating Self-Sabotage – A Book Summary [Podcast]

I Finally Finished Jimmy O. Yang’s Book on Asian Immigrant Struggles [Podcast]

I promised to finish reading Jimmy O. Yang’s book in my last podcast episode, and I did! Here are some additional lessons and entertaining experiences I learned from the book, and how it has affected how I perceive and live life as a child of Asian immigrants myself. This was an entertaining, funny memoir! Like… Continue reading I Finally Finished Jimmy O. Yang’s Book on Asian Immigrant Struggles [Podcast]

How to Travel Siargao, Philippines – A Rugged Travel Guide Through the Surfing Capital

In this article, I detail my travel Journey through the Philippines, a country in Southeast Asia, back in 2019 for vacation. I’ve already written a few travel journals about a few of the other big islands and regions I visited, but I never finished the series. The last place I stopped was Bohol. I do… Continue reading How to Travel Siargao, Philippines – A Rugged Travel Guide Through the Surfing Capital

Relatable Asian American Experiences & Lessons with Jimmy O. Yang

I was getting into the holiday spirit a few weeks ago when I started hearing buzz about a Netflix Original Rom-Com Christmas film called Love Hard, featuring Asian American Jimmy O. Yang as the romantic lead. And it was the #1 film in the USA for a few days! After loosely following Jimmy’s career over the years,… Continue reading Relatable Asian American Experiences & Lessons with Jimmy O. Yang

What is Lifestyle Design? How to Engineer the Life You Want

Living the life you want to live and enjoying every moment of it. Sounds like an unreachable dream, right? For some people, it falls in their lap. And they’re the rare few out of millions. For others, it’s the most difficult thing. Tim Ferriss popularized the idea of lifestyle design about a decade ago in… Continue reading What is Lifestyle Design? How to Engineer the Life You Want