How I Made A YouTube Video With 1 Million+ Views

Over the last few years of blogging, I generally haven’t “shown my work.” What I mean is that I’ll blog about happiness, success, meditation, and related topics. I won’t blog about the process of writing those topics, building them, SEO-ing them, and getting them to rank well on search engines and get a lot of… Continue reading How I Made A YouTube Video With 1 Million+ Views

Lessons Learned from the Master FBI Negotiator – Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss [Podcast]

One of the first experiences I had with negotiation tips came from tips I got from people I follow on buying a car at a good price. Here’s a bit of what I learned… The best time to buy a car is at the end of a month based on car salesman sales cycles. They’re… Continue reading Lessons Learned from the Master FBI Negotiator – Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss [Podcast]

How To Negotiate A Job Salary Or Ask For A Raise

I wanted to share with you some insights I picked up from top career books like What Color Is Your Parachute? and best-selling career experts and authors like Ramit Sethi: So there are two possible situations: you just got a new job you’ve been working here for a while and have been overdelivering but not… Continue reading How To Negotiate A Job Salary Or Ask For A Raise

How To Get A Meeting with Any Celebrity – The Third Door Book Summary Notes

Alex Banayan is an interesting kid. Through his naivete and ambition, he pursued an idea that he came up with with his friends: what if there was a university that had the best professors? Elon Musk for science, Bill Gates for business, Jane Gooddall for science? Fast forward a couple years through a lot of… Continue reading How To Get A Meeting with Any Celebrity – The Third Door Book Summary Notes

Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger Book Summary Notes – An Unbelievable Life

Arnold Schwarzenegger has one of the greatest immigrant to America success stories of all time. He grew up in extreme poverty in Austria, became a European bodybuilding champion, because a multi-year international bodybuilding champion, became a real estate millionaire in California, became the world’s top actor, and then became the governor of California. I’ve been… Continue reading Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger Book Summary Notes – An Unbelievable Life

Dating Advice From an Instagram Model, Lauren Lala

This blog is about helping you level up your health, wealth, relationships, and happiness. Today, we’re talking relationships. I had influencer Lauren Lala (@iheartlaurenlala) weigh in on some dating advice for men. Thank you for your time, Lauren!   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Lauren Lala (@iheartlaurenlala) Now, some argue… Continue reading Dating Advice From an Instagram Model, Lauren Lala

Categorized as Dating

How To Push Past Your Comfort Zone (From Someone Who Constantly Does)

I’m told that I’m good at pushing past my comfort zone. More importantly, I think I’m good at it. I’ve learned to become courageous over the years and do what needs to be done. I’ve ran a Tough Mudder, approached women in public, traveled to new places alone, and jumped into new careers. I wasn’t… Continue reading How To Push Past Your Comfort Zone (From Someone Who Constantly Does)

I Created My Own Gratitude Journal Since The Current Ones Could Be Better

As some of you know, I’m a personal development blogger, influencer, and podcaster since 2014. And I have great news. I finally created a journal you can buy! Why? Because I felt that there was room for improvement in the journal market. There are a couple popular journals that I have tried for a couple… Continue reading I Created My Own Gratitude Journal Since The Current Ones Could Be Better

How to Travel The World For a Living with A Small Following With SeeLauTravel (Christopher Lau)

In this podcast episode, I pick the brain of Christopher Lau, a man who has made full-time travel through Southeast Asia a reality. Christopher has an interesting story about how he hated his job and life living in the USA and working for a top tech company. He longed to travel, and he made that… Continue reading How to Travel The World For a Living with A Small Following With SeeLauTravel (Christopher Lau)