How To Get Into the Top 1% of 1% Without Hating What You Do with Gillian Segal

For her book, Getting There, Gillian Zoe Segal has interviewed some of the world’s most successful people, including billionaires Warren Buffett, Sara Blakely, Michael Bloomberg and John Paul Dejoria, news reporter Anderson Cooper, composer Hans Zimmer, fashion designer Rachel Zoe, Sports Illustrated Cover model & fitness expert Kathy Ireland, and much more!

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How To Not Take Life Too Seriously (and Why Research Says It Matters)

Over the years, I've used the tips mentioned and got much better at taking life less seriously. I used to get more offended and serious when it came the peace sign usage because it was sometimes used to mock Asians. In this photo, I'm playing into the Asian stereotype and poking fun at myself light-heartedly by making a double peace sign in a New York Chinese restaurant.

One secret to happiness I’ve discovered is simple. Don’t take life seriously. I have heard billionaires, athletes, and President Barack Obama say it. Specifically, they say you should take your business (or career) seriously, but not themselves. But how? Most people cannot keep in mind the bigger picture. So many of us are fortunate to… Continue reading How To Not Take Life Too Seriously (and Why Research Says It Matters)

How To Increase Learning Speed (This Will Make You Learn Faster)

Learning faster is one of the keys to success. For starters, you’ve seen the massive piles of books that make up the reading lists of Bill Gates, Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett. They’re lifelong learners. But learning comes in many forms beyond reading text. How do you consume information rapidly without forgetting and putting it… Continue reading How To Increase Learning Speed (This Will Make You Learn Faster)

What You Can Change and What You Can’t by Martin Seligman Book Summary

When it comes to living a life free of unnecessary stress and anxiety that hold you back, you can’t dwell on what you can’t change. If you don’t have the ability to change something, then worrying about it will only make you more sad and limit your potential. For example, if a man can’t change… Continue reading What You Can Change and What You Can’t by Martin Seligman Book Summary

10 Timeless Men’s Fashion Tips for Busy Men (Who Don’t Want To Break the Bank)

I’ve found a strange pattern on my journey of personal development… Style and fashion matter. It’s important to many areas of life: dating, sales, business, presentation, grooming, etiquette, and so on. Yes, you have a few tech billionaires who wear what they want, but most of the population care about looking presentable (and sexy). If you believe… Continue reading 10 Timeless Men’s Fashion Tips for Busy Men (Who Don’t Want To Break the Bank)

How To Stop Being A Perfectionist

Most overachievers have point struggled with how to stop being a perfectionist. They’re ambitious but they fall under the trap that you have to be perfect before you can deliver anything. But deep down, we all know that being a perfectionist isn’t a good thing. It leads to analysis paralysis. It leads to situations where your performance… Continue reading How To Stop Being A Perfectionist

How to Save, Invest, and Grow Your Money as a Young Millennial

You asked. I delivered. Many of my young email subscribers have asked about how they can learn more about how to save and invest money. Well, it just so happens that I’ve been an undercover fanboy of personal finance. In fact, it’s one of the ways I got into my love of Warren Buffett and… Continue reading How to Save, Invest, and Grow Your Money as a Young Millennial