The Five Why’s Analysis Method: A Framework for More Happiness

I used to think I was smarter than others. I was learning about personal finance and saving money while others were splurging so I could become rich. I was asking for books and courses for Christmases and birthdays while others were asking for clothes and shoes so that the money invested would grow rather than… Continue reading The Five Why’s Analysis Method: A Framework for More Happiness

Why Procrastinators Procrastinate (And How To Stop)

The blog, Wait But Why, has a popular article on why procrastinators procrastinate. The summary of it is that people procrastinate because the long-term thinking part of your brain gets overtaken by the “Instant gratification monkey.” This monkey plays in the “Dark playground” of unproductive activities, like watching pranks on YouTube, until you’re up against… Continue reading Why Procrastinators Procrastinate (And How To Stop)

12 Myths Debunked About Meditation from New Neuroscience Research

In the online self help and entrepreneurship communities, meditation and mindfulness have started to be worshiped as magic pills for success with wealth, happiness, focus, health, and more. One of the drivers of this idea are podcast interview shows, like The Tim Ferriss Show and Eventual Millionaire. These shows interview tons of successful people and claim… Continue reading 12 Myths Debunked About Meditation from New Neuroscience Research

Jason Schreiber – On Kettlebell & Weightlifting Worldclass Competition to Anorexia & Drug Addiction

Jason Schreiber won regional powerlifting competitions, qualified for CrossFit regionals his first attempt, placed 3rd in the World kettlebell competition, and is now going to Nationals for Olympic weightlifting. He’s a holistic health coach and he’s a huge fan of the science of kettlebell training. In this interview, we talk everything from physical fitness to… Continue reading Jason Schreiber – On Kettlebell & Weightlifting Worldclass Competition to Anorexia & Drug Addiction

Why You Should Read Fiction (4 Surprising Benefits)

When I was a kid, I only read fiction. Harry Potter. The Bartimaeus Sequence. The Inheritance Series. I thought non-fiction was boring and useless. I remember complaining to a classmate at my school library about why there was such a large non-fiction section. What kind of person reads a 500 page book on history for… Continue reading Why You Should Read Fiction (4 Surprising Benefits)

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover Book Summary & Review (Plus Interview)

“There are no perfect relationships. There are no perfect partners. Relationships by their very nature are chaotic, eventful, and challenging.” ― Robert A. Glover, No More Mr. Nice Guy One of the books that has been most impactful on my life is Dr. Robert Glover’s No More Mr. Nice Guy. The book reveals: the truth… Continue reading No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover Book Summary & Review (Plus Interview)

How To American: An Immigrant’s Guide to Disappointing Your Parents by Jimmy Yang Book Summary & Review

So I read How To American – An Immigrant’s Guide to Disappointing Your Parents by Jimmy O. Yang. Well, I read a good portion of it. That’s right, I didn’t read every word of the book, but you can still learn a lot without reading an entire book. If you’re not familiar, Jimmy is a 30-year old… Continue reading How To American: An Immigrant’s Guide to Disappointing Your Parents by Jimmy Yang Book Summary & Review