What You Can Do For 10 Minutes Every Day That Will Change Your Life

What if there’s something that will take you less than 10 minutes a day that can change your life? Well, it turns out a few activities you can do that fall into this category. By turning them into a habit, it can lead to massive amounts of money, happiness, success, and performance. Now, you’re probably… Continue reading What You Can Do For 10 Minutes Every Day That Will Change Your Life

How To Enjoy Your Life Without Comparing It To Others

You are scrolling through Instagram. And you see yet another person living his dream life, wearing luxurious clothes, and traveling the world with beautiful women. You are in the gym going through your standard exercise routine and you see someone with the body you want. You scroll through Facebook on Friday night, tired and bored… Continue reading How To Enjoy Your Life Without Comparing It To Others

A Gratitude Story To Inspire You To Be Happier And More Thankful

In the United States, we celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving. It is arguably the best holiday of the year to make you happier. And that’s science-backed. Some people think the holiday is about eating massive piles of food. You see, Thanksgiving started as a holiday to remind ourselves to give thanks for what we have. And… Continue reading A Gratitude Story To Inspire You To Be Happier And More Thankful

The Richest Man in Babylon Book Summary and Review: 10 Lessons To Learn

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason is a timeless classic parable I have known about it since the early days when I first got into the world of self-help and wealth creation. If you are not familiar, it is a must-read if you want the essential truths of wealth creation. They first appeared… Continue reading The Richest Man in Babylon Book Summary and Review: 10 Lessons To Learn

The “Less Things, More Happiness” 7 Day Challenge – Day 1

It is Day 1 of the “Less Things, More Happiness” challenge. The guidelines are outlined in my previous post. The main objective is to improve long-term happiness without having to resort to materialistic things based on science-backed techniques.  I set a timer for 10 minutes and went out to enjoy nature. It was just me with my clothes… Continue reading The “Less Things, More Happiness” 7 Day Challenge – Day 1

The “Less Things, More Happiness” 7 Day Challenge

So I have decided to do a 7 day challenge. I encourage you to do this challenge with me because it will help you with the following goals: Be happier with less. Turning the practices that science has proven actually lead to more happiness into habits. Quiet the constant urge to create more, produce more, and do more when you… Continue reading The “Less Things, More Happiness” 7 Day Challenge

The Ultimate Guide on How to Decide Who To Hire

What are the secrets to deciding who to hire? How do you know if you chose the right person? What are the consequences? I’ll show you. Why Does Hiring Properly Matter? What did Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Sam Walton, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg have in common? They were all incredibly good at… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide on How to Decide Who To Hire

How To Be A Great Leader – The Ultimate Guide

I’ve been collecting leadership advice from the best in the world. This information has been specially curated and only includes the the top individuals: Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart Sam Walton was crowned the richest person in the world. Moreover, he took a small store in Bentonville, Arkinsas and built it into a national empire… Continue reading How To Be A Great Leader – The Ultimate Guide