For the last few years of my life, I was constantly in a state of frustration and haste. Why? Because I thought I had wasted the best years of my life. I was told by media, Hollywood, peers, and adults that your twenties are the best years of your life. I even asked one of… Continue reading Myth Debunked: Are your twenties really the best years of your life?
The Less Things, More Happiness Challenge – Day 4 (Most Important Day)
This is probably the most important day of my Less Things, More Happiness challenge. Why? Because I have discovered some deep, profound insights on happiness that will help me and help you. You may be wondering how I was able to do that in such a short time, but these days are not happening sequentially in… Continue reading The Less Things, More Happiness Challenge – Day 4 (Most Important Day)
17 Success Tips from Billionaire Oprah Winfrey on Principles, Mindset, & Career
Oprah Winfrey is one of my favorite billionaires because she’s unique. Unlike the others, she overcame two discriminating obstacles (being black and female) to become a billionaire in an industry where billionaires are rare: entertainment. On top of that, she had a tough early life of sexual and physical abuse, and she miscarried a child as… Continue reading 17 Success Tips from Billionaire Oprah Winfrey on Principles, Mindset, & Career
How Billionaires Create Rituals To Get More Done
Billionaires are a rare breed. They are in the top 1% of the 1% of the 1%. They’re world-class at making money and all the skills that come with that. What if we could really break down their rituals? What if we could find patterns we can follow ourselves? That’s what I intend to… Continue reading How Billionaires Create Rituals To Get More Done
Top 10 Productivity Tools To Maximize Your Efficiency (Hint: The Three Best Ones Are Free)
A huge trend in the productivity community these days is finding the best apps, tools, and extensions. Having tried out most of them, I can safely say that I spit on most of them in disgust; they’re more unproductive than helpful. It’s counter-intuitive but they take up more time than they are worth and the extra results are minimal.… Continue reading Top 10 Productivity Tools To Maximize Your Efficiency (Hint: The Three Best Ones Are Free)
The Secret of Self Discipline
Self-discipline (also known as willpower) seem to be an obvious key to success. Successful people seem to be able to focus and stay on track. They form good habits and are less tempted by unproductive or unhealthy activities. All of that seems to revolve around the idea of self-discipline. So what’s the secret to self-discipline… Continue reading The Secret of Self Discipline
Day 3 of the Less Things, More Happiness Challenge
It’s day three of my challenge to be happier and not depend on unnecessary, materialistic items. See day two or any of the previous posts to see what this is about. Just make sure to follow along and practice this with me. Exercise was the focus Today, I focused on exercise, which science shown increases your… Continue reading Day 3 of the Less Things, More Happiness Challenge
The Most Powerful Tip I Learned From Self Help Books
Today, I want to share with you the most powerful bit of advice I have gotten from reading hundreds of self-help themed books. If you put this advice into action, it will multiply your income, fulfillment, health, and happiness. That is a bold claim, so I will prove to you that it is true. Once… Continue reading The Most Powerful Tip I Learned From Self Help Books
The “Less Things, More Happiness” Challenge – Day 2
It is Day 2 of the Less Things, More Happiness Challenge. As a reminder, the goal of this challenge is to improve my long-term happiness through science-backed practices and avoid doing it through spending money or materialistic possessions. Remember that this is a collaborative challenge. Feel free to do the exercises in the challenge with me so… Continue reading The “Less Things, More Happiness” Challenge – Day 2
The Red Queen by Matt Ridley Book Summary – The Evolutionary Science of Attraction
Have you ever wondered why we are attracted to what we are and why do we behave in the way we do to attract others? Why are boobs, for example, so attractive if they are just blobs of fat on the chest? Today, I am going to address those issues. The Red Queen is… Continue reading The Red Queen by Matt Ridley Book Summary – The Evolutionary Science of Attraction