I spend a $145 on fitness every month. I know. ABSURD! But here’s why: A GREAT way for anyone to achieve their goals faster is to force accountability in a way that hurts. But people don’t want to… They say: “Why would I pay more money unnecessarily when I can just save money and use my… Continue reading I Spend $145 a Month on Crossfit. Here’s 3 Surprising Reasons Why Spending More Intelligently Gets You More Results.
How to Improve Personal Productivity Without Burning Out and Still Having Fun
“You control your time. Sitting and thinking may be a much higher priority than a normal CEO, who has all this demand and feels like they have to see all these people, [thinks]. It’s not a proxy of your seriousness that you fill every minute of your schedule.” –Bill Gates on what Warren Buffett taught him… Continue reading How to Improve Personal Productivity Without Burning Out and Still Having Fun
Day 7 of the “Less Things, More Happiness” Challenge
It is the final day of the “Less Things, More Happiness” challenge. As a recap, the goal of each day of the challenge is to test out practices that will bring you happiness (based on extensive science) and focus on minimalism (not having to spend tons of money to do so). That’s the beauty of… Continue reading Day 7 of the “Less Things, More Happiness” Challenge
Why We Have Too Much Stuff and What To Do About It
Does this situation sound familiar? You buy something, maybe it’s a house, because you think it will make you happier. But then, you realize you need accessories for your house: a fancy garage opener, a beautiful garden, and sun-powered lights. All of a sudden, you are overwhelmed by an infinite amount of products you can… Continue reading Why We Have Too Much Stuff and What To Do About It
Why Social Media Matters For Businesses (and What To Do About It)
Social media is an incredible way of marketing and making more money for your business. If you do it right. After spending thousands of hours on social media content across very old (MySpace) and very new (Musically, Snapchat, Vine, Peach, etc.) platforms, I want to share with you what you need to know on social media to… Continue reading Why Social Media Matters For Businesses (and What To Do About It)
If You Could Only Read 10 Books For The Rest Of Your Life, Read These. Here’s Why
If you could only read 10 books for the rest of your life, what would they be? Today, I took a stab at answering this tough question. I thought it’s a great one because the limitation it places on you really forces you to cut the fat. Obviously, this list will differ if your goals… Continue reading If You Could Only Read 10 Books For The Rest Of Your Life, Read These. Here’s Why
How To Be More Creative: Advice From Titans
I was watching a speech by the billionaire David Rubenstein, the founder of the largest private equity firm in the world. He said something really profound and useful that I would like to share. He said that you cannot succeed in business by just copying other people because you will just be an echo or… Continue reading How To Be More Creative: Advice From Titans
The Less Things More Happiness Challenge Day 6
It’s the second-to-last day of my challenge! For the past few days of this challenge, I have been using science-backed happiness-generating practices to bring me the most long term happiness. This time, I want to do something different. Since it is almost the last day of the challenge, I want to try a more mainstream… Continue reading The Less Things More Happiness Challenge Day 6
How To Obtain Happiness in Life: 17 Science-Backed Happiness Hacks
Are you sick of people’s opinions on what brings you happiness? I used to be quite unhappy and confused on how to fix this. I talked to everyone from relatives to religious people and consumed everything I could find online about the topic. But I just wasn’t sure if it was the truth or false… Continue reading How To Obtain Happiness in Life: 17 Science-Backed Happiness Hacks
Less Things, More Happiness Challenge Day 5
It is Day 5 of my “Less things, more happiness” challenge. As mentioned in previous days, I wanted to volunteer to experiment with this science-backed happiness-boosting practice. After many weeks looking for something I’d like, I finally went through with it. I spent a good portion of a day volunteering my time for a beer… Continue reading Less Things, More Happiness Challenge Day 5