How To Identify Fake Excuses that Are Limiting Your Potential Even If You’re A Procrastinator

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -Benjamin Franklin One common, frustrating theme I have found when talking to people who have mediocre lives is that they’re all excuse-generating machines. Every time I try to give reasons that their obstacles are solvable and tactics to do so, they come… Continue reading How To Identify Fake Excuses that Are Limiting Your Potential Even If You’re A Procrastinator

2017: A Year in Reflection

2017 has been a year where I have dived deeper into the subtleties of personal development. What the heck does that mean? Well, only a small percent of the public ever get into self-development. Of those that do, most of them focus on fundamental, surface-level tactics. An example would be what you see in listicle-themed… Continue reading 2017: A Year in Reflection

How Introverts Can Get Over Shyness: Secrets to Quiet People

“Solitude matters, and for some people, it’s the air they breathe” ― Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking There are just as many shy introverts as outgoing extroverts out there. So why does it seem like we’re being left out? Why does it feel like we’re not getting… Continue reading How Introverts Can Get Over Shyness: Secrets to Quiet People

An Honest 5 Minute Journal Review: The Truth About Journaling & Morning Routines

A new fad has been sweeping through the personal development movement. Journaling. But is it just a useless fad seen as the next “magic pill” to success or is it legit? There are even popular journals you can buy include the Five-Minute Journal, Mastery Journal, Freedom Journal, Morning Pages, and Miracle Morning (though this is… Continue reading An Honest 5 Minute Journal Review: The Truth About Journaling & Morning Routines

How To Make Friends Without Having To Influence Them

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is one of the only books that exist on how to make friends. And it’s wildly successful, selling millions of copies. But after reading the book and the reviews, I realized there were critical components on how to make friends that were missing. People complained about… Continue reading How To Make Friends Without Having To Influence Them

12 Ways Partner Dancing Taught Me How To Take The Lead In Relationships And Be A Man

I started going to drop-in dance classes to meet people and improve on the masculine traits I was lacking. I heard it was a good way to learn how to lead and be more assertive, which I lacked as a typical nice guy. But man, I learned so much more. Fast forward a couple years,… Continue reading 12 Ways Partner Dancing Taught Me How To Take The Lead In Relationships And Be A Man

How To Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety While Still Being Your Natural Self

Imagine finding yourself in the only social event you will go to for the day, ready to talk to people. You’ve prepared yourself for the moment. You know you’re deathly shy and scared of talking to new people. But if you don’t take action in this one moment, you will regret it. There won’t be… Continue reading How To Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety While Still Being Your Natural Self

7 Essential Books You Must Read on Masculinity and Becoming a Man

When it comes to self help books for men, the books I recommend may not be what you expect. They’re not tactical books on improving your habits or focus. They’re books that dive deeper and focus on the inner psychology that are preventing you from taking action on the tactics you read about it. This may… Continue reading 7 Essential Books You Must Read on Masculinity and Becoming a Man