The Difference Between Open-Minded and Closed-Minded People

I used to be pretty close-minded when I was younger. I thought I was right when I wasn’t. I had a limited set of hobbies. I wasn’t interesting and interested in others so I came off boring and cold. But I didn’t want a boring life without friends or women. So I started to change my… Continue reading The Difference Between Open-Minded and Closed-Minded People

5 Best Books To Read To Get Smarter

Do you ever feel overwhelmed or confused which book to read? With thousands of books, it’s frustrating to determine which books will actually make you smarter. You don’t want to waste your time. Yet you feel ambitious because you want to improve yourself. The sad truth is that most “Top 10 Books to Get Smarter”… Continue reading 5 Best Books To Read To Get Smarter

The Secrets to Asian American Male Dating with Mike “SquattinCassanova”

In this podcast, I interview Mike “SquattinCassanova”, an Asian dating coach. We talk about: are Asian men undateable? the insecurities we deal with the differences in race when it coming to dating struggles Asian American millennial men have in dating the importance of not blaming or feeling like you deserve anything how we can become… Continue reading The Secrets to Asian American Male Dating with Mike “SquattinCassanova”

How To Buy Your First Suit Without Breaking The Bank And Still Looking Sharp

Ask anyone about style and the suit will always come up as one of the most stylish, timeless pieces of clothing you can wear. The reason is simple. It makes your body shape look more attractive, improves your shoulder-to-waist ratio, the top scientifically correlated physical trait for male attraction, and symbolizes the most formal, expensive… Continue reading How To Buy Your First Suit Without Breaking The Bank And Still Looking Sharp

How To Live in the Present in the Moment (And Why It’s Key)

With the rising popularity of emotional intelligence and meditation for success, a related concept has been popping up all the time: staying present in the moment. What does “living in the here and now” actually mean? This article will help you discover how being present can improve your wealth, happiness, love life, and relationships.

Why Defeating Shame & Vulnerability May Be The Key To Success: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Brené Brown is a University of Houston research professor who has spent decades studying shame and vulnerability. For most of human civilization, men have hid behind the mask of masculinity, concealing any signs of shame and vulnerability because they believed that a man should never show weakness. But it turns out that Brené found that… Continue reading Why Defeating Shame & Vulnerability May Be The Key To Success: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

The Best Men’s Guide (& Book) to Dating Of All Time by Tucker Max

A few years ago, I discovered the world of online dating advice. At the time, I felt like I had discovered a super power. Until that point, I thought that your success with women was fixed and there was nothing you could do about it. Finding out there were techniques I could use immediately to… Continue reading The Best Men’s Guide (& Book) to Dating Of All Time by Tucker Max

An Honest Review of Mark Manson’s Paid Membership Program

For a night of great entertainment, I recommend watching one of the events during the CrossFit Games. It’s great to see the competitiveness, energy, ridiculousness, drive, and the beautiful, fit women. Here’s a video of the “Individual Assault Banger” event, for example. They have to smash a 175-pound block with a big red hammer through… Continue reading An Honest Review of Mark Manson’s Paid Membership Program

How To Identify Fake Excuses that Are Limiting Your Potential Even If You’re A Procrastinator

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -Benjamin Franklin One common, frustrating theme I have found when talking to people who have mediocre lives is that they’re all excuse-generating machines. Every time I try to give reasons that their obstacles are solvable and tactics to do so, they come… Continue reading How To Identify Fake Excuses that Are Limiting Your Potential Even If You’re A Procrastinator