How To Find Your Passion: The Ultimate Guide

There is great advice out there about finding your purpose scattered among hundreds of books, interviews, and speeches from successful people. I’ve compiled the best of what I’ve learned, what makes the most sense, and what actually has worked in the real world — not theory. Here’s the guide I wish I had for myself… Continue reading How To Find Your Passion: The Ultimate Guide

How To Improve Emotional Intelligence

Countless studies have found that emotional intelligence is just as important, if not more important, to your success than your IQ. If you’re unfamiliar, emotional intelligence or EQ, is described as the level that you can be aware of interpersonal emotions of others and yourself and express yourself socially in the best way to achieve the… Continue reading How To Improve Emotional Intelligence

Top 39 Personal Development Influencers, Gurus & Leaders

Most people aren’t as plugged into the personal development space as I am. Therefore, I thought it would be useful to create a comprehensive list of all the top active personal development influencers across the web. The list covers the most impactful leaders for all content platforms, including social, podcasts, and blogging. As a note,… Continue reading Top 39 Personal Development Influencers, Gurus & Leaders

10 Scientifically Proven Ways To Make Yourself Happier

We’ve all heard about surrounding yourself with successful people to be more successful. We’ve heard that we are the average of the give people who hang around most. But how about surrounding yourself with happy people? In many YouTube videos, in happiness books, in TED talks, and other scientific lectures, it is clear that happiness… Continue reading 10 Scientifically Proven Ways To Make Yourself Happier

Nature Vs. Nurture, a.k.a. Hard Work Vs. Talent (A Discussion Revisited)

Some young folk are still debating whether it’s worth lifting a finger to do any extra work (like nihilism) because they feel like your talent is all “in the cards” — that there’s no way you can do anything extraordinary even if you work harder. I want to revisit this debate, as I talked about… Continue reading Nature Vs. Nurture, a.k.a. Hard Work Vs. Talent (A Discussion Revisited)

The Ultimate List of Science-Backed Thought Leaders in Personal Development

This article is probably the best yet shortest one I’ve ever wrote. That’s because this article is a goldmine for anyone who wants to improve their lives. The truth is that every major topic you want to improve in, there’s some expert or scientist who has spent decades researching and discovering principles in that field… Continue reading The Ultimate List of Science-Backed Thought Leaders in Personal Development

How Billionaires Are Different From Millionaires

After studying thousands of pieces of content from billionaires and millionaires, clear differences emerge. For one, not a single billionaire I’ve studied — except for Oprah — has ever uttered a word on Law of Attraction or manifesting your reality or “asking and getting it given.” That said, tons of millionaires mention it. That makes… Continue reading How Billionaires Are Different From Millionaires

At Last, A New Book on Men’s Dating That Suggests Something Different

I’m a big fan of Dr. Robert Glover’s work, so much so that I recommend his book No More Mr. Nice Guy to every man I think the book can help and I interviewed him for my podcast. If you’re not familiar with who he is, check out my content on him. He’s basically helped a rapidly… Continue reading At Last, A New Book on Men’s Dating That Suggests Something Different