How Good Was John Cena’s Mandarin at the WWE Press Conference?

Just today, the WWE legend John Cena discussed WWE’s growth into China to international members of the media at press event in Shanghai. The spoke for 2 minutes in Mandarin. I love this. I just had to write about this. Now, the last time I spoke about something similar was when Mark Zuckerberg spoke in complete… Continue reading How Good Was John Cena’s Mandarin at the WWE Press Conference?

What To Do When Life Gets Tough

Have you ever feel useless? How about alone? Have you ever felt like a failure? What about frustrated? Sometimes, you can be on top of the world. Everything is going awesome. You’re happy. You’re doing well. Everything you want to happen is in its place. And then, it happens. Everything falls apart. Life has handed… Continue reading What To Do When Life Gets Tough

10 Science-Backed Ways To Get To Sleep Fast

Have you had trouble with your sleep schedule? Have you been exhausted from lack of sleep? Have you ever felt like you lacked focus? Well, what if I told you that sometimes you can get more done in the long run and feel better by sleeping more I just read Arianna Huffington’s book The Sleep Revolution. And… Continue reading 10 Science-Backed Ways To Get To Sleep Fast

Blinkist Review: Is The Best Book Summary App Out There Worth It?

Try out Blinkist here Book summaries have been around for decades. There have been book companies and websites whose entire job is to make books or articles to summarize the most popular books. In school, I remember services like Cliffnotes and SparkNotes, which used to be huge for people in English class who wanted summaries… Continue reading Blinkist Review: Is The Best Book Summary App Out There Worth It?

How to Compound Your Success in Key Areas of Your Life Like a Flywheel

I have discovered something incredible. I call it “The Cyclic Effect.” I’ve found that improving numerous domains of our life end up resulting in helping out other domains. And so if you improve them all, they improve each-other and compound to supercharge your results. Now, better you go running away and saying that this is common… Continue reading How to Compound Your Success in Key Areas of Your Life Like a Flywheel

How to To Say No To People Who Want To Pick Your Brain

You’re a busy person. You’ve accomplished quite a lot. But maybe you are bombarded with requests to be mentored or a quick chat for someone to pick your brain over coffee. You get questions like: “Can I bounce ideas off of you?” “Can I talk to you about your business?” “Can we get a quick… Continue reading How to To Say No To People Who Want To Pick Your Brain

Why “Hustling More” or “Working Your Face Off” Isn’t The Only Answer

I don’t want to work hard. I’m more than willing to work hard and I do think I have a better work ethic than most people. And I’m more than willing to put in hard work to get where I want to go. But there are certain situations, where I don’t want to work hard.… Continue reading Why “Hustling More” or “Working Your Face Off” Isn’t The Only Answer

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book Summary

I’ve known about this book by Stephen Covey for over 10+years and I thought it was stupid. When I was in elementary school, I didn’t believe in self-help that much. I saw tons of people reading books like 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Chicken Soup for the Soul and thought it was rather pointless.… Continue reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book Summary