Professional athletes cant do this.

Professional athletes cant do this. What is it? It’s an exercise I call the Jane Fonda. (That’s my instagram, you can follow me on there if you want. I post inspirational quotes) You need to be able to do at least 30 on both sides to be healthy. Why cant they? They dont train obscure… Continue reading Professional athletes cant do this.

10 Qualities To Look For and Cultivate In A Life Partner

A supermodel met a pro gamer through Twitter. And they ended dated for years despite being separated by hundreds of thousands of miles. This is a real story that took place and it went viral on the Internet. Most of the world seems to only care about a couple traits when they’re looking for a partner:… Continue reading 10 Qualities To Look For and Cultivate In A Life Partner

How To Have Deeper Friendships & Connections (in Dating) | Polarize & Screen

I’d like to just add something based off my future experiences with this. I think social intelligence in certain situations calls for you to be more diplomatic, less eccentric, or less offensive. Sometimes, this is the BETTER choice. Examples would be in intense politics, highly professional settings, and so forth. Having said that, please understand… Continue reading How To Have Deeper Friendships & Connections (in Dating) | Polarize & Screen

Statistics You Can Use To Get More Likes & Followers on Instagram

The folks at Curalate made an graphic with scientific statistics that I reference all the time when making Instagram posts. Keep these things in mind when you are posting: More texture, more lightness/brightness, more blue than red, a simple background and foreground, more texture, less saturation, and more duck faces. You can follow me on… Continue reading Statistics You Can Use To Get More Likes & Followers on Instagram

How Do You Define “Success” and “Wealth” Properly?

How you define being rich or success goes far beyond just money, fame, or status. I have found some really wealthy individuals who have explained this to me in the books I have read (such as billionaire steel magnate Andrew Carnegie) to the videos I have watched (such as millionaire Tai Lopez) to other knowledge… Continue reading How Do You Define “Success” and “Wealth” Properly?

Science Shows You Are Happier If You Spend On Experiences Rather Than Things

We want to have long-term lasting happiness. Not the short-term ephemeral, fleeting form that often occurs when we acquire material possessions or focus on material things, whether it is getting women, getting laid, making money, buying sports cars, or buying mansions. Sometimes, you can be rich and have money but still feel sad and unhappy.… Continue reading Science Shows You Are Happier If You Spend On Experiences Rather Than Things

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