The secret to happiness is simple. -40% is genetics. That’s unchangeable. The rest is a matter of: -Faith (Religion & Big Picture), Family, Community (Charity/Strong Friendships), Work (Through Earned Value, Earning What You Make) -habits that drive good events into your life and prevent/avoid bad events (cancer, disease, pain, suffering) -A good perspective and attitude… Continue reading The secret to happiness according to science
Elon Musk debuts missing piece to solving renewable energy
HOLY. This man is changing the world. This video was just released. I saw the whole thing. AMAZING. Now why is this going to be a big deal? For people with solar panels, it lets them store the excess energy and use it themselves rather than selling it back to the grid for pennies. For… Continue reading Elon Musk debuts missing piece to solving renewable energy
Bored? Don’t Have a Passion In Life? Start Here
The following list is not my making. It is from I think it would be helpful to people so I have included it. Things to do when you dont know what to do anymore in life Work out; you never regret it. Exercise feels great and there are tangible results in how you feel,… Continue reading Bored? Don’t Have a Passion In Life? Start Here
Who is someone you know that is the most successful with women?
I asked some people on Reddit and here is a curation of some of the best responses. Some of the things may be obvious, others not so much. Some of the traits mentioned may not be the cause nor do I think all of these are necessary but I would like to list the notable… Continue reading Who is someone you know that is the most successful with women?
Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull – An Honest Book Summary and Review
I wanted to share with you my summary of a book written by the President of one of the most creative companies in the world, Ed Catmull of Pixar. Key takeaways from the book: A campus like Pixar or Google that allows for creative space and bumping into other coworkers allows for more creativity as… Continue reading Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull – An Honest Book Summary and Review
National 1,000 Women Survey Unveils Humbling Truth: Guys Are Clueless On Where To Meet Women
Many guys go to bars and clubs to meet girls, but a new survey* of 1,034 girls across the country reveals that guys are off the mark, and missing opportunities that are right under their noses every day. In fact, when asked where guys should meet girls, the girls surveyed ranked a number of unexpected… Continue reading National 1,000 Women Survey Unveils Humbling Truth: Guys Are Clueless On Where To Meet Women
Knowledge is NOT Power
Knowledge is NOT Power. You need more. You need to APPLY the knowledge you obtain. Take a look at this video I made about the topic and how I used to fall under this misconception.
10 Things You Can Do To Increase Sales with Webinars
Each one of these tips can make you thousands of additional dollars. And there’s numbers to back it up. Don’t believe me? See for yourself. If you’re in a business and you are selling something, I hope you have heard of webinars. If you haven’t, tons of people are talking about the ridiculously high conversions to sales… Continue reading 10 Things You Can Do To Increase Sales with Webinars
Why I Changed My Mind on Avoiding Gold Diggers
With all these pranks on Youtube about Gold-digging popping up, I would like to provide some insight. Everyone is a “gold digger” to a certain extent. Every single human being on this earth with 7 billion people. I say “gold digger” with quotes because it is a loose definition of a term that can mean… Continue reading Why I Changed My Mind on Avoiding Gold Diggers
Extremely Insightful Dating Experiment Conclusions
I did not do this experiment. I am simply curating a document that was not seen by many and sharing it with the world After the 2nd experiment, so many women wrote to me that I shut it down. I don’t like deceiving people, even online, so I don’t feel good about this, but I… Continue reading Extremely Insightful Dating Experiment Conclusions