A One Year Progress Report of CrossFit As a Complete Beginner

You know the problem with all the “beginners guide to CrossFit” articles on the web? They’re all written by people who don’t do CrossFit. Instead, they’re telling you what it’s like based on a handful of free trial visits, hearsay, opinions, interviewing people, myths, and assumptions. It’s been over a year since I started doing CrossFit.… Continue reading A One Year Progress Report of CrossFit As a Complete Beginner

How To Get Someone To Like You in 5 Minutes or Less Without Lying

Have you ever been in a social gathering with strangers around you? I bet you wanted someone to like you so you didn’t seem so strange standing alone. Perhaps, it was a networking event. Maybe a barbeque. Or a party. I have found myself in plenty of these situations. Not long ago, I was a lost boy… Continue reading How To Get Someone To Like You in 5 Minutes or Less Without Lying

I Spend $145 a Month on Crossfit. Here’s 3 Surprising Reasons Why Spending More Intelligently Gets You More Results.

I spend a $145 on fitness every month. I know. ABSURD! But here’s why: A GREAT way for anyone to achieve their goals faster is to force accountability in a way that hurts. But people don’t want to… They say: “Why would I pay more money unnecessarily when I can just save money and use my… Continue reading I Spend $145 a Month on Crossfit. Here’s 3 Surprising Reasons Why Spending More Intelligently Gets You More Results.

If You Could Only Read 10 Books For The Rest Of Your Life, Read These. Here’s Why

If you could only read 10 books for the rest of your life, what would they be? Today, I took a stab at answering this tough question. I thought it’s a great one because the limitation it places on you really forces you to cut the fat. Obviously, this list will differ if your goals… Continue reading If You Could Only Read 10 Books For The Rest Of Your Life, Read These. Here’s Why

How To Obtain Happiness in Life: 17 Science-Backed Happiness Hacks

Are you sick of people's opinions on how to obtain happiness in life? Do you want the truth based on rigorous research? If so, continue reading..

Are you sick of people’s opinions on what brings you happiness? I used to be quite unhappy and confused on how to fix this. I talked to everyone from relatives to religious people and consumed everything I could find online about the topic. But I just wasn’t sure if it was the truth or false… Continue reading How To Obtain Happiness in Life: 17 Science-Backed Happiness Hacks

The Less Things, More Happiness Challenge – Day 4 (Most Important Day)

This is probably the most important day of my Less Things, More Happiness challenge.  Why? Because I have discovered some deep, profound insights on happiness that will help me and help you. You may be wondering how I was able to do that in such a short time, but these days are not happening sequentially in… Continue reading The Less Things, More Happiness Challenge – Day 4 (Most Important Day)

Day 3 of the Less Things, More Happiness Challenge

It’s day three of my challenge to be happier and not depend on unnecessary, materialistic items. See day two or any of the previous posts to see what this is about. Just make sure to follow along and practice this with me. Exercise was the focus Today, I focused on exercise, which science shown increases your… Continue reading Day 3 of the Less Things, More Happiness Challenge

The “Less Things, More Happiness” Challenge – Day 2

It is Day 2 of the Less Things, More Happiness Challenge. As a reminder, the goal of this challenge is to improve my long-term happiness through science-backed practices and avoid doing it through spending money or materialistic possessions. Remember that this is a collaborative challenge. Feel free to do the exercises in the challenge with me so… Continue reading The “Less Things, More Happiness” Challenge – Day 2

What You Can Do For 10 Minutes Every Day That Will Change Your Life

What if there’s something that will take you less than 10 minutes a day that can change your life? Well, it turns out a few activities you can do that fall into this category. By turning them into a habit, it can lead to massive amounts of money, happiness, success, and performance. Now, you’re probably… Continue reading What You Can Do For 10 Minutes Every Day That Will Change Your Life

How To Enjoy Your Life Without Comparing It To Others

You are scrolling through Instagram. And you see yet another person living his dream life, wearing luxurious clothes, and traveling the world with beautiful women. You are in the gym going through your standard exercise routine and you see someone with the body you want. You scroll through Facebook on Friday night, tired and bored… Continue reading How To Enjoy Your Life Without Comparing It To Others